Wednesday 28 October 2020




War between Krishna and Indra depicted in Hoysaleswara Temple Karnataka

Vaishampāyana said:—Here the highly energetic Vishnu, a moment after sun rise, went to the Raivataka mountain, under the pretext of hunting, taking up, O descendant of the Kurus, that foremost of men Satyaki on his car and telling Pradyumna "Follow me" (1–2). On having reached the Raivataka mountain, that divine one thus spoke to Dāruka:—"O Daruka, take charge of my chariot and wait here tending and grooming the horses for this half of the day; O foremost of charioteers, I shall re-enter Dwarkā on this very car" (3-4). Having thus delivered his command, that illustrious and intelligent god, of immeasurable prowess, rode on the back of Garuda, being accompanied by Satyaki (5). 

O descendant of the Kurus, that slayer of his foes Pradyumna followed Krishna from behind on a separate car capable of coursing on hills (6). Within the twinkle of an eye the intelligent Hari arrived at the pleasure park of the gods, the Nandana forest, with a view to carry away the Pārijāta from there (7). There in the garden of gods, the illustrious Adhokshaja saw hosts of celestial warriors, indomitable, courageous and armed with various weapons (8). That refuge of the pious, the mighty Krishna uprooted the Pārijāta tree and placed it on the back of Garuda even before their eyes (9). Thereupon, O Bhārata, the Pārijāta, having embodied itself, approached (with prayer) Kesava and Garuda, that king of birds (10). The tree Pārijāta was consoled by the high souled Kesava and was told—"Do thou not fear, O tree" (11). Then assuring himself that the tree Pārijāta was securely placed (on the bird's back), Adhokshaja began to go round that best of strong-holds, the abode of the gods (12). Meanwhile the keepers of the garden of gods, had run to Mahendra and informed him saying—"that the most excellent of trees, the Pārijāta, is being carried away." (13). Thereupon the subduer of Pāka (Indra) came out mounted on Airāvata being followed from behind by Jayanta on a car (14). Then beholding that slayer of his foes Vāsudeva, who had by that time reached the Eastern gate, Indra said—"O slayer of Madhu, what is this going on" (15). Thereupon Kesava, seated on the back of Garuda, saluted Sakra with his head and said:—"I am only taking away this excellent tree for a ceremonious observance of your sister-in-law" (16). Sakra replied saying,—"O lotus-eyed one, thou shouldst not take away this tree, O infallible one, without challenging me to fight (17). O mighty armed Kesava, deal thou the first blow on me; and let thy promise be fulfilled by your hurling the Koumodaki mace at me" (18). Thereupon, O Bhārata, Krishna began to pierce the excellent elephant of the king of the celestials, with sharp arrows fierce like thunder itself (19). Then with excellent arrows of heavenly make, the wielder of the thunder-bolt began to pierce Garuda; and he soon succeeded in cutting off all the arrows of the light-handed Kesava (20). Mādhava cut off all those arrows which the lord of the gods shot; and smiling, the slayer of Vala and Vritra severed those shot by Mādhava (21). Then, O delighter of the Karus, at the sound of Mahendra's bow and at the twang of the Sranga bow, the inhabitants of heaven swooned away (22). When the fight was thus raging between them the highly powerful Jayanta tried to remove the Pārijāta tree from the back of Garuda (23). Thereupon the slayer of Kansa said to Pradyumna "Prevent him (from taking away the Pārijāta)"; and instantly the highly powerful son of Rukshmini opposed him (firmly) (24). Then Jayanta, seated on his chariot, that foremost of victorious persons, began to pierce with sharp arrows smilingly the son of Rukshmini on all parts of his body (25). The lotus-eyed god Cupid on the other hand, seated on his chariot, pierced the son of Indra, with arrows looking like snakes (26). O delighter of the Karus, then a fierce combat raged between the heroic Jayanta and the son of Rukshmini (27). Then those two mighty heroes, the sons of Upendra and Mahendra, the foremost of the wielders of weapons, used offensive and defensive weapons against each other (28). The gods, the sages, the Siddhas and the Chārnas, all beheld that fierce combat being much struck with wonder (29).

O delighter of the Kurus, meanwhile, a messenger of the gods, named Pravara, of great strength, tried to take away the Pārijāta from the back of Garuda (30). O descendant of the Kurus, this Pravara was the friend of the ruler of the gods; he was accomplished in the use of mighty weapons and able to subdue all his foes; he was incapable of being slain by virtue of a boon obtained from Brahmā (31). Formerly he was a Brāhmana inhabiting the Jamva Island, whence through the merit of religious penances, he attained to heaven, and there O ruler of men, he earned the friendship of the slayer of Vala by virtue of his own powers (32). On beholding him advance, Krishna told Sātyaki;—"O Sātyaki, even from this place do thou oppose Pravara with thy arrows (33). Thou shalt not, O Satyaki, shoot fierce arrows at him and his Brahmanical fickleness should be put up with by all means (34)". Thereafter the mighty-armed Pravara, that foremost of twice born ones, pierced Satyaki who was seated on Garuda with a group of sixty sharp arrows (35). Thereupon, O king, the grandson of Sini, that foremost of warriors, cut off the bow of Pravara with which he was shooting the arrows, and spoke these words to him (36). "Thou art not to be slain being a Brāhmana; go and pursue thy own mode of life; twice-born sages, even if they offend, are incapable of being slain by the Yādavas" (37). O delighter of the Kurus,—Pravara then thus smilingly replied to him—"O foremost of human heroes, thou needst not be forgiving; fight the battle with all thy might (38). I am the disciple of Jamadagni's son Rama, and my name is Pravara. I enjoy the friendship of the illustrious Sakra (39). The gods here do not desire to join in the fray out of regard for the slayer of Madhu; but O Mādhava, I shall to-day pay off the debt of friendship I owe to Indra, (by slaying his adversary)" (40). Then O king, a fearful battle raged between them, as that foremost of men, the grandson of Sini, and the best of the twice-born one, shot at each other weapons of divine make (41). Then as the battle between those high-souled ones progressed, the sky began to tremble and the mountains were highly agitated (42).

Here on the other hand, neither the son of Krishna was able to overpower that foremost of all wielders of weapons the son of Indra, nor was this latter able to defeat that best of heroes, the illustrious and heroic son of Krishna (43). O best of men, then those two foremost of heroes, each desirous of winning victory over the other, fought on exclaiming—strike, 'hold,’ &c. (44). The powerful son of Sachi then, O king, challenging the son of the wielder of the Srānga bow (Krishna) struck him with a weapon of heavenly make (45). The son of Krishna, then with an arrowy net woven with sharp shafts, stopped the fight of that blazing darts. This appeared wonderful (46). But, O descendant of the Kurus, that blazing weapon, dreadful and destructive of the Dānavas, after a moment's pause, fell upon the top of the car of the son of Rukshmini (47). The car of the illustrious Pradyumna was burnt down by that weapon but it could not, O ruler of men, consume the son of Rukshmini (48), for O Lord of men, fire, although tremendous, cannot burn another fire. Thereafter the mighty-armed son of Rukshmini extricated himself from the burning chariot (49).

Then the son of Nārāyana, that best of car-warriors, being deprived of his car, stationed himself in the heaven with bow in hand and thus addressed Jayanta (50). "O son of Mahendra,—I am incapable of being slain by the weapon of divine make that thou didst hurl at me and by hundreds of such weapons (51). Try thy best and display to-day all learning and knowledge; but, O son of an immortal, there is none that can overpower me in battle (52). When armed with weapons thou didst come out in thy car, I was a little afraid; but now having seen thy prowess in battle I do not fear thee the least, (53). As thou shalt no longer be able to touch this Pārijāta tree with thy hands, content thyself with its thought in thy mind (54). Of the illusive chariot that thou hast burnt down with the flame of thy weapon, I can create thousands through the virtue of my illusive powers" (55). Thus spoken to the highly powerful Jayanta, with great force, shot a fierce weapon obtained by him through his austere penances (56). Pradyumna opposed that weapon of tremendous force with a net-work of arrows; the son of Indra next shot another four arrows (57). And those weapons, O Bhārata, chocked all the quarters of the heavens; then with another set of five arrows, he completely covered the son of Rukshmini on the sky (58). Arrows like blazing fire and dreadful weapons, all, that the foremost of the immortals showered on Pradyumna, fell from all sides (59). All those weapons and arrows the son of Krishna checked by a group of his own arrows; and he then also pierced Jayanta with other sharp arrows (60). Then the immortals of holy deeds, beholding the firmness and light-handedness of the high-souled Pradyumna, exclaimed out in joy (61). The heroic descendant of Sini also, O Bharata, cut off the bow-string and the finger-protector of Pravara with a sharp arrow (62). The latter then grasped another mighty bow of excellent make, which was given to him by Mahendra and whose twang resembled the sound of thunder (63). Then with that mighty bow, that foremost of twice-born ones, that heroic Pravara began to shoot arrows of diverse sorts, bright and effulgent like rays of the sun (64). He cut off the beautiful bow of the mighty grandson of Sini and pierced him on all parts of his body, with numerous shafts (65). Thereupon, O delighter of the Kurus, the grandson of Sini took up another bow capable of withstanding much force; and that intelligent one then sorely pierced Pravara in that battle (66). They cut off each other's armours with sharp shafts; and with arrows capable of penetrating to the very heart they mutilated each other's flesh (67). Then again the heroic Pravara severed, in twain, the bow of Sātyaki with eight whetted shafts and pierced him with three more (68). When Sātyaki thought of taking up another bow, that twice-born one, of great light-handedness, struck him with a mace that could be hurled at the foe (69). Thereupon Sātyaki, with a smile, took up his sword and buckler and that intelligent one did not take up his bow as he was sorely wounded with the bow. But the brave Pravara cut off the sword and buckler shooting a full hundred arrows (70). Thereupon Pradyumna, beholding that delighter of the Yadus, namely Satyaki disarmed, gave him another sword bright like the cloudless sky (71). But Pravara, with a smile, cut off even that sword with a sharp Valla, when it was in the grasp of its owner (72). Thereupon with sharp straight arrows he began to mutilate Sātyaki’s skin; and that twice born one, struck on the breast with a lance, shouted out in joy (73). Then finding him over-powered Pravara approached Garuda on his car with a view to take away the Pārijāta from his back (74) Thereupon Garuda struck him with his wings so vehemently that he, with his car, fell full four miles back and there fainted away (75). O king! Jayanta then hastened to pick up the Brāhmana who was thus hurled back, and taking him up on his car cheered him (76). On the other hand, Pradyaumna consoled and cheered up his uncle the grandson of Sini who was fainting and falling down over and over and embraced him (in order to infuse strength into him) (77). The slayer of Madhu then touched Satyaki with his right hand; and instantly at the touch the latter was free from pain and distress (78). Then Pradyumna and Satyaki—the two foremost of warriors, placed themselves on the right and left side of Pārijāta respectively (in order to protect it) (79).

War between Garuda and Airavata

On the other hand, O Bhārata, the high-souled Mahendra beholding Jayanta and Pravara returning to the fight on the same chariot, smilingly said to them (80):—"Never and under no circumstances go near Garuda, the king of the feathery creation; the son of Vinatā is immensely mighty (81). Do you both place yourselves armed on my left and right side and behold me fight (with Krishna)" (82). Thus spoken to, those two heroes placed themselves on both sides of Sakra and witnessed the fighting between Indra and Janārddana (83).

Indra then pierced Garuda on all parts of his body with arrows and mighty weapons of excellent make, whose sound resembled the rumble of thunder (84). But the highly powerful son of Vinatā, that heroic subduer of his foes, without paying the least heed to those arrows, flew swiftly towards the elephant of Sakra (85). Then those two mighty highly powerful, courageous and indomitable bird and elephant began to fight with tremendous fierceness (86). Emitting loud roars that king of elephants Airāvata then began to wound the enemy of the snakes with his tusks, trunk and head (87). The son of Vinatā, of fierce strength, on the other hand attacked the elephant of Indra, with his sharp claws and strokes of wing (88). Within a moment the fight between the bird and the elephant grew dreadful, so much so as to strike terror into heart of the onlookers, and to cause astonishment to the whole universe (89). Thereafter O Bhārata, Garuda, of mighty strength, struck Airāvata on the head with his fierce claws furnished with fearful talons (90). Afflicted sorely with the wound, O Janamajaya, the elephant fell from the heights of heaven on the top of that best of mountains the Pārijātra that exists on this island of ours (91). But as he fell, the mighty Sakra did not leave her, out of pity, friendliness and of his promise made before (92). The infallible and mighty Krishna, of supreme intelligence, followed him on Garuda carrying the Pārijāta, tree (93). The slayer of Krita was thus born down to the Parijatra mountain.

Then when Airāvata regained strength, the battle between Krishna and Indra once more raged fiercely (94). They shot at each other gem-bedecked arrows resembling snakes in shape and carefully tempered and whetted on stone (95), O king, thereafter the wielder of the bolt of heaven hurled at Garuda, Airāvata's enemy, his thunder again and again with great noise (96). But that foremost of all beings possessed of prowess, that king of the birds incapable of being slain by any one, patiently endured all those strokes of thunder (97). But each time out of regard for the bolt of heaven and for his brother the heavenly king Sakra, the king of birds plucked a feather from his wing (98). O king, the mountain Pārijatra then sank down under the weight of Garuda, and trembling in all parts it went inside the earth (99). It emitted sweet sound in order to show respect for Krishna and Adokshaja then beheld only a very small part of it above the earth (100). Thereupon forsaking it, he roared into the heaven, on the back of Garuda; and that creator of every thing and the protector of the worlds thereupon thus spoke to Pradyumna (101):—"With the help of my energy do thou, O mighty-armed one, repair to Dwarkā and bring my chariot with Dāruka without delay (102). O bestower of honor, thou shouldst inform Valabhadra and the ruler of the Kukuras, that to-morrow after having defeated Indra, I will return to Dwarkā" (103).

Thereupon saying "So be it" in reply to his father, the virtuous and powerful Pradyumna went to Dwarkā, and spoke to Ugrasena and Valabhadra the words of his father’s (104). Thereafter, O Bhārata, within a hour he came back to the scene of fight riding on Krishna's car accompanied by Dāruka (105).


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அக்ரூரன் அக்னி அங்கிரஸ் அசமஞ்சன் அதிதி அதிரதன் அநிருத்தன் அந்தகன் அரிஷ்டன் அருந்ததி அர்ஜுனன் அனு அஜபார்ஷன் அஜமீடன் அஸ்தி ஆபவர் ஆயு ஆரியா தேவி ஆஹுகன் இந்திரன் இளை உக்ரசேனன் உக்ராயுதன் உசீநரன் உதங்கர் உத்தவர் உபரிசரவசு உமை உல்பணன் உஷை ஊர்வசி ஊர்வர் ஏகலவ்யன் ஔர்வர் கக்ஷேயு கங்கை கசியபர் கண்டரீகர் கண்டாகர்ணன் கண்டூகன் கதன் கபிலர் கமலாதேவி கம்ஸன் கருடன் கர்க்கர் கர்ணன் காதி காந்திதேவி கார்த்தவீர்யார்ஜுனன் காலநேமி காலயவனன் காலவர் காளியன் கிருஷ்ணன் குசிகன் குணகன் குணவதி கும்பாண்டன் குரோஷ்டு குவலயாபீடம் குவலாஷ்வன் கூனி கைசிகன் கைடபன் கோடவி சகடாசுரன் சக்ரதேவன் சங்கன் சததன்வன் சத்யகர்ணன் சத்யகர்மன் சத்யபாமா சத்ருக்னன் சத்வதன் சந்தனு சந்திரவதி சந்திரன் சம்பரன் சரஸ்வதி சனத்குமாரர் சன்னதி சாணூரன் சாத்யகி சாந்தீபனி சாம்பன் சால்வன் சிசுபாலன் சித்திரலேகை சித்திராங்கதன் சிருகாலன் சிவன் சுக்ரன் சுசீமுகி சுநாபன் சுனீதன் சூரன் சூரியன் சைசிராயணர் சௌதி டிம்பகன் தக்ஷன் தசரதன் தந்தவக்ரன் தமகோஷன் தரதன் தன்வந்தரி தாரை திதி திதிக்ஷு திரிசங்கு திரிவிக்ரை திருமிலன் திரையாருணன் திலீபன் திவோதாஸன் துந்து துந்துமாரன் துருவன் துர்வாசர் துஷ்யந்தன் தூம்ரவர்ணன் தேவகன் தேவகி தேவாவ்ருதன் தேனுகன் நந்தன் நந்தி நரகாசுரன் நரசிம்மன் நஹுஷன் நாரதர் நாராயணன் நாராயணி நிகும்பன் நிசுந்தன் நித்ராதேவி நீபன் பஞ்சஜனன் பத்மாவதி பத்ரன் பப்ரு பயோதன் பரசுராமர் பரதன் பரத்வாஜர் பலராமன் பலி பாணன் பார்வதி பானு பானுமதி பிரதீபன் பிரத்யும்னன் பிரபாவதி பிரமர்த்தனன் பிரம்மதத்தன் பிரம்மன் பிரலம்பன் பிரவரன் பிரஸேனன் பிரஹலாதன் பிராசேதஸ் பிராப்தி பிருது பிருதை பிருஹதாஷ்வன் பிருஹஸ்பதி பீஷ்மகன் பீஷ்மர் புதன் புரூரவன் பூதனை பூமாதேவி பூரு பூஜனி பௌண்டரகன் மதிராதேவி மது மதுமதி மயன் மனு மஹாமாத்ரன் மாயாதேவி மாயாவதி மார்க்கண்டேயர் மித்ரஸஹர் முசுகுந்தன் முரு முருகன் முஷ்டிகன் யசோதை யது யயாதி யுதிஷ்டிரன் ரஜி ராமன் ருக்மவதி ருக்மி ருக்மிணி ரேவதி ரைவதன் ரோஹிணி லவணன் வசிஷ்டர் வராகம் வருணன் வஜ்ரநாபன் வஸு வஸுதேவன் வாமனன் வாயு விகத்ரு விசக்ரன் விதர்ப்பன் விப்ராஜன் விப்ருது வியாசர் விரஜை விருஷ்ணி விஷ்ணு விஷ்வாசி விஷ்வாமித்ரர் விஷ்வாவஸு விஸ்வகர்மன் வேனன் வைசம்பாயனர் வைவஸ்வத மனு ஜயந்தன் ஜராசந்தன் ஜனமேஜயன் ஜனார்த்தனன் ஜஹ்னு ஜாம்பவான் ஜியாமோகன் ஜ்வரம் ஸகரன் ஸத்யபாமா ஸத்யவிரதன் ஸத்ராஜித் ஸத்வான் ஸஹஸ்ரதன் ஸ்ரீதாமன் ஸ்ரீதேவ ஸ்வேதகர்ணன் ஹம்சன் ஹயக்ரீவன் ஹரி ஹரியஷ்வன் ஹரிஷ்சந்திரன் ஹிரண்யகசிபு ஹிரண்யாக்ஷன்