Wednesday 7 July 2021




Bali, Mahabali, Bali Chakravarthi , Maveli

Vaishampāyana said:—The gods were (accordingly) defeated by the Daityas and the worlds were occupied by them. Maya and Samvara announced the victory of the highly powerful Bali. 

At that time the directions were clear, pious acts flourished, iniquity was suppressed, and the sun coursed regularly in its path. Pralhāda, Shamvara, Maya, and Anuhlāda carefully guarded all the quarters. People wended virtuous ways and there was absence of sin and increase of virtue. The Siddhas practised penances. Dharma flourished with four legs and Adharma (sin) with one. The kings properly protected their subjects and all the orders followed their respective duties. Bali was installed in the kingdom of gods unanimously by all the Asuras. When they began to shout in joy the boon-giving goddess of prosperity, with a lotus in her hand, appeared before Bali, and said:—"O foremost of the powerful, O highly effulgent Daitya king Bali, I have been pleased with you for your defeating the gods. May you fare well. Having displayed your prowess you have vanquished the king of gods in battle. Seeing your wonderful power I have come to you. O foremost of Dānavas, you are born in the race of Hiranyakashipu and have been appointed the king of Asuras. It is therefore no wonder for you to perform such a feat. You have excelled even that Daitya king who enjoyed the entire three worlds. Besides you are always virtuous and pious. O you of unlimited prowess, you will therefore rule over the three worlds".

Having thus addressed the Daitya king that beautiful boon-giving goddess Lakshmi disappeared (1-14).


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