Wednesday 22 July 2020




Jarasandha and his daughters Asti and prapti

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - United with Rohini's son Krishna spent some days happily in the city of Mathurā filled with Yadavas (1). Gradually his person was embellished with the grace of youth and regal prosperity and he began to range all over Mathurā adorned with woods (2). After some days had elapsed in this way, Jarāsandha, the king of Rājagriha, heard of Kansa's death from his two daughters (3). Hearing this the powerful Jarāsandha was worked up with anger.  And in order to pay his debt to Kansa and to slay all the Yadus, the powerful Jarāsandha, in no time, set out with his army consisting of six divisions. O king, the king of Magadha had two very beautiful and youthful daughters by name Asti and Prāpti. The royal son of Varhadratha conferred them on Kansa (4-6). Having chained his father the son of Ahuka enjoyed in their company. You have heard many a time and oft how, depending on Jarāsandhā's (help) and disregarding the Yadavas the lord of Surasena became king (7). In order to satisfy his duties by his kinsmen and to accomplish their objects Vasudeva was always carefully engaged in Ugrasena's well-being. Kansa did not spare him even (8). When the vicious-souled Kansa was slain by Rama and Krishna, Ugrasena, encircled by Bhojas, Vrishnis and Andhakas, became king (9).

Asti and Prāpti, the wives of a heroe, were the beloved daughters of king Jarāsandha. Therefore burning like fire in anger at their instigation and making every possible arrangement the king of Magadha started for Mathurā. All the highly energetic warrior kings who were defeated and subjugated by Jarāsandha's prowess, all those who were his friends, relatives, kinsmen and allies, encircled by their own armies, followed Jarāsandha with a view to please him. Dantavakra the king of Karusha, the powerful king of Chedi, the king of Kalinga, the foremost of the powerful, Poundra, Sāngkriti, the king of Keshika, the king Bhishmaka, his son Rukshmi, the foremost of bowmen who used to challenge Vāsudeva and Arjuna in a fight, Venudāri, Shrutarvā, Krātha, Angshumān, the powerful kings of Anga, Vanga, the kings of Koshala, Kashi and Dashārna, the powerful king of Sumha, the lord of Vidha, the powerful king of Madra, the lord of Trigarta, the king of Shālwa endued with prowess, the highly powerful Darada, the energetic Bhagadatta the lord of Yavanas, Saivya the king of Shouvira, Pāndya the foremost of the strong, Suvala, the king of Gāndhāra, Mahāvala, Nagnajit, Gonarda , the king of Kāshmir, the king of Darada, the highly powerful Duryodhana and other sons of Dhritarāshtra - these and other highly powerful kings, mighty car-warriors, followed Jarāsandha, out of jealousy towards Janārddana. Entering the province of Shurasena, abounding in barley and fuels, they all, placing their respecting detachments before them, laid siege to Mathurā (10-22).


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