Friday 5 June 2020




Lord Vishnu and Nithradevi

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Thereupon worked up with anger Kansa said to all his well-meaning ministers: - "Do ye always be on your guard for destroying the (eighth born) child of Devaki (1). The calamity, which we suspect, should be eradicated. Therefore from the very beginning destroy all the embryos of Devaki (2). Let Devaki, well guarded in the inner appartment by the warders, range there confidently. And when she conceives keep her with care (3). As soon as she will conceive, the women of my harem will count the months from the very first, and being informed of the time of delivery we will do what we think proper (4). Let Vasudeva too be kept unconsciously day and night in the inner appartment by eunuchs and women engaged in my wellbeing. Let no body disclose to him the secret (5). With these human efforts people should accomplish their objects. Hear how persons like me avert the course of destiny (6). Even an adverse destiny is made propitious by well employed mantras, properly administered medicines, care and devotion (7)."

VAISHAMPAYANA continued: - Hearing from Nārada, the account of his death, Kansa, out of fear, began to hold counsels as to how he should destroy Devaki's embryo (8) On the other hand, being informed of the portentous and dreadful efforts of Kansa while out of sight, the powerful Vishnu began to think (9). "Bhoja's descendant Kansa will destroy the first seven children of Devaki. To her eighth conception I shall have to live in her womb" (10). While Thus meditating his mind flew where the Saragarbha Dānavas, by name, Hansa, Suvikrātha, Damana, Ripumardana, and Krodhahartā were living in the water (11). These immortal like Saragarbhas, the sons of Kālanemi, were powerful like the celestials, were of effulgent persons and experts in battle (12). Leaving their own grand-father Hiranyakasipu and wearing matted locks those Saragarbha Daityas worshipped the Grand-father of all, Brahmā, with hard penances who, being pleased, conferred on them the following boon (13-14)

BRAHMA said: - O ye foremost of Dānavas, I have been greatly pleased with your ascetic austerities. Express to me clearly your wishes, I shall grant them to you all." (15).

Encouraged by Brahma's words the Daityas said "O lord, if thou art pleased with us do thou confer upon us this best of boons. O Brahman, if thou art ready to confer upon us a boon, do thou grant us such a one as may render us unslayable by the gods, the huge Uragas, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Siddhas, Chāranas, men and by the great Rishis ever engaged in penances, whose weapons are their curses" (16-18).

The Grand-father was greatly delighted at heart with their ascetic observances and therefore affectionately said to them: -"What, you have prayed for, will all be accomplished." Having conferred this boon on Saragarbhas the self-born repaired to the celestial region.

Thereupon Hiranyakasipu addressed them in angry words saying (19-20). "By your disregarding me and praying for a boon to the lotus-sprung Brahma, you have become my enemies. I therefore have no affection for you and forsake you all. That father, who has given you the high-sounding name of Saragarbha, will kill you all while in embryo (21-22.) O ye great Asuras Saragarbhas, you all six will be born in order from Devaki and Kansa will kill you (23)."

VAISHAMPAYNA said: - Thereupon repairing to the nether region Vishnu arrived where Saragarbha Asuras, on account of the imprecation of Hiranyakasipu, were living in the womb of water. He saw them lying there possessed by death-like sleep (24-25). Thereupon entering into the body of the Saragarbhas in a state of dream, Vishnu, having truth for his prowess, caught hold of their vital breaths and consigned them to the care of sleep. He said "O sleep, by my command take the vital airs of all these leading Dānavas Saragarbhas and place them in order in the womb of Devaki (26-28). They will be born of her womb and proceed to the abode of Death. Kansa's efforts will be baffled and Devaki's labour will be crowned with success (29). I will show you such a favour that like me you will be powerful on earth and adored of all creatures (30). Thereupon when my gentle portion will be conceived by Devaki in her seventh conception, take that eldest brother of mine in the seventh month and place him within Rohini's womb (31). On account of his thus being taken away from the womb, that moon-like elder brother of mine will pass, in his youth, by the name of Sangkarsana (32). Thereupon thinking that "Devaki has untimely given birth to a child out of fear in the seventh time" Kansa will be very careful for the eighth time when I will be in her womb (33). O goddess, may you fare-well; as being the ninth of our race, you will be conceived by Yashodā, the best of milk-women, the most beloved wife of Nanda the master of Kansa's kine. You will be born on the ninth day of the dark half of the month (34-35). I too, in the middle of the night under the influence of Abhijit,[1] will come out happily of the womb (36). 

[1] One of the Nakshatras or lunar asterisms. 

O sleep, highly dreadful is Kansa's rule. Therefore in the eighth month, we will be simultaneously born (and exchanged by Vasudeva) (37). I will be taken to Yashodā and you will be taken to Devaki. By this our interchange Kansa will be stupified (38). Then taking you by the leg he will dash you against a stone; you will then at once go up to the sky and attain to your eternal region (39). O goddess, there the effulgence of your face will be like that of Sangkarshana and your body will be dark blue like mine and your arms will be as huge as those of mine (40). O sleep, when armed with an uplifted mace of three heads, and with a dagger of golden handles, when with a cup full of wine and a clean lotus, when adorned with a blue raiment and a yellow cloth thrown round your breast, you will occupy the road of the celestials, your breast will adorned with a necklace shinning like the rays of the moon, your two ears will be adorned with two celestial Kundalas and your countenance will shine like the moon (41-43). O goddess, adorned, at my command, with a wonderful crown and hair nets, with flags of peacock feather and Angadas, embellishing the ten quarters, with your dreadful arms resembling the serpents, encircled by terrible goblins and observing the vow of celebacy you will enter into the celestial region (44-46). When you will reach the land of gods, the thousand-eyed Indra will confer upon you the dignity of a god by sprinkling you with water according to the rules laid down by me and accept you as his sister. Having been adopted in the family of Kushika you will pass by the name of Koushika (47-48). Afterwards when Vāsava will assign to you the mount Vindhyā for your habitation you will adorn the world with thousand provinces (49). On whomever on earth you will bestow a boon while ranging of your own accord in the three worlds, he will at once attain to the fruit thereof (50). O goddess, there thinking of me in your mind, and starting with the goblins you will kill the two demons Shumbha and Nishumbha living in mountain, with all their attendants (51). O sleep, you are greatly fond of an offering of meat. You will therefore, on a Navami[2], receive, on earth, worship accompanied by the sacrifice of beasts (52). Children or wealth, it will not be difficult to acquire any of these for him, who, amongst men cognizant of my prowess, will bow unto you (53). You will save them all from danger, those who will be tired in a huge forest, those who will be drowned in a mighty deep, those who will be attacked by robbers (54). O auspicious lady, I will not kill him who will propitiate you with devotion nor will he meet with ruin at my hands (55).

[2] The ninth day of the dark half of the month.


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