Wednesday 30 June 2021





Vaishampāyana said:—Once on a time influenced by the Lord's Māyā all the winged mountains, the upholders of the Earth, left it. Thereupon coming to the eastern quarter they dropped into the abode of the Asuras governed by Hiranyaksha as the elephants are drowned into a lake. They then asked the Asuras about the sovereignty over the celestial region. (They said) "Although born after you the gods have acquired the sovereignty: you are not kings although you are born first." Hearing those words the Asuras made most excellent preparations (1–3). And setting their mind upon possessing the earth they took recourse to their incomparable wily understanding. The Asuras, of dreadful prowess, took up various weapons, such as, discus, thunder-bolt, sword, Bhushundi, bow, noose, Prāsa, Sakti, Mushala and club. Some, accoutered in coats of mail, rode upon infuriated elephants. Some great car-warriors drove chariots drawn by horses. Some rode on horses, some, depending on the strength of their own arma, rode on camels, some on bulls, some on buffaloes, some on asses and others proceeded on foot. The soldiers, desirous of fighting, issued out delightedly encircling Hiranyakasha (4–8).

Thereupon, hearing of the preparations made by the Daityas for battle the celestials, headed by Purandara, made also most excellent arrangements. Encircled by their four-fold army they were accoutered in coats of mail and finger-protectors and took up quivers and bows. Stationed in the midst of the army, the celestials, holding fierce weapons, followed Purandara who was seated on the Airāvata. Thereupon excited with blare of bugles and sound of trumpets Hiranyaksha encountered the king of gods. He covered Vāsava with sharpened axes, Nishtringshas, clubs, Tomaras, Saktis, Mushalas and Pattiças. Thereupon there took place a highly dreadful shower of arrows. With sharpened axes, iron swords, clubs, Kshepanis, stones, Satagnis and other weapons the remaining Daityas struck Vāsava and other gods. Beholding Hiramyaksha, having smoky hairs, yellow bears, holding various weapons, having the colour of dark evening clouds, wearing a most excellent crown, dark-blue and yellow raiments, having arms extending up to knees and adorned with Vaidurya made ornaments, stand before the Asura army like unto dreadful Death at the time of the universal dissolution, Vāsava and all the celestials were greatly pained (9-21).

Beholding Hiranyaksha proceed like the moveable mountain Mahendra the gods, who took up bows and arrows, stood in the battle-field with Purandara before them, filled with anxiety. That Daitya army, lighted up with the lustre of golden armours, stood there like the autumnal sky set with stars. They felled one another; some, desisting from duel fight, broke their own arms. Some had their limbs shattered with clubs and some had their breasts wounded with arrows. Some fell down and some were thrown down whirling. Some broke down cars and some were crushed down by them. And some cars could not move on in the thick of the fight. That battle, like unto an unfair day, covered with Dānava-like huge clouds and lightings, in the shape of celestial weapons, shone there with the downpour of arrows caused by both the armies. Worked up with anger the highly effulgent and powerful son of Diti, Hiranyaksha increased himself like unto an ocean on the occasion of a Parva. From Hiranyaksha's mouth, who was worked up with anger, came out burning cinders. With the air filled with fire and smoke the gods were scorched. Like unto an elevated mountain the whole sky was covered with weapons, bows and Parighas. Assailed with Hiranyaksha in battle with various weapons and having their breast and heads wounded with winged arrows the gods could not move in the battle-field. The gods, routed by Hiranyaksha in battle, albeit careful, lost their consciousness. All the gods were thus terrorized by Hiranyaksha. Assailed with weapons by Hiranyaksha the thousand-eyed Shakra, who was seated on the elephant, could not move on in the battle-field for fear. Having vanquished all the celestials and overpowered their king the Dānava thought the universe as subjected by himself (22-34).


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