Saturday 19 September 2020




Rukmi and Kalinga being killed by Balaraama

Vaishampāyana said:—After a few days the powerful Rukshmi, the slayer of his enemies, announced that his daughter would make her choice of a husband (1). For this invited by Rukshmi many rich and powerful kings and princes came to his house from various countries (2). Prādyumna, accompanied by other princes, went there. As soon as she saw him Rukshmini’s daughter wanted to marry him. She too, endued with grace and effulgence, was celebrated on earth for her beauty. Keshava's son therefore wished to espouse that one of fair eyes (3-4). Thereupon when all the powerful kings took their seats in the Swayamvara hall, the Bidarbha king's daughter chose Pradyumna the slayer of enemies (for her husband) (5). For he was a master of arms and well-built like a lion. Besides Keshava's son was peerless in beauty on earth (6). And that beautiful, youthful and accomplished princess too was attached to him like unto Nārāyanas's wife Indra-senā (7). After the termination of the Swayamvara the kings repaired to their respective cities and Pradyumna too went to Dwārakā with the princess of Bidarbha with him (8). The hero lived happily in her company as did Nala in that of Damayanti. Pradyumna begat on her a son by name Aniruddha, like unto the son of a god and of matchless deeds on earth. When, Aniruddha, coming of age, mastered the Vedas, the science of archery and the moral laws, Mādhava selected the beautiful gold-like Rukshmavati, the grand-daughter of Rukshmi, for his wife (9–11). O Janamejaya, the highly illustrious and intelligent king Rukshmi used always to show rivalry with Krishna; still, on account of the eagerness of his son and Rukshmini he cast off his enmity and said with delightedness "I confer Rukshmavati on Aniruddha endued with accomplishments and of a peaceful nature (12–13)." On this occasion Keshava, surrounded by his own army and accompanied by Rukshmini, Sangkarshana, his own sons and other Yādavas, went to Bidarbha (14). Rukshmi's kinsmen, friends and allies came there also at his invitation (15), O king, thereupon, in an auspicious day and under the auspicies of a favourable planet Aniruddha's wedding was celebrated with great festivity. Thus when Aniruddha was married to the Bidarbha princess, the Baidharvas and the Yadavas performed a great festivity. And adored there like immortals the Vrishnis lived happily.

Thereupon the liberal king of Ashmaka, Venudāri, Rukshma’s son Shrutarvā, Chānura, Krātha, Angshuman, the highly powerful king of Kalinga, Jayatsena, the king Pāndya and the beautiful king of Rishka, all these highly rich chiefs of Deccan spoke secretly to the powerful Rukshmi:—"You are an expert in dice and we too wish to play; Rāma is a novice. Therefore following you we wish to defeat Rāma". Thus accosted the mighty car-warrior Rukshmi approved of (their proposal). Thereupon they all delightedly entered into a beautiful hall with golden pillars and its floor covered with flowers. And it was sprinkled with sandal water. Those kings, decorated with beautiful garlands and unguents, and desirous of scoring victory, entered into that hall and sat upon golden seats (16–24). Invited by those deceitful kings expert in the game of dice, Rāma gladly said:—"See I am sporting" (25). In order to vanquish Revati’s husband with a deceitful play the Deecan chiefs brought to the place of gambling innumerable jems, pearls and gold coins (26).

Thereupon there commenced the game of dice, the object of dreadful quarrels, a source of ruin to the wicked-minded and foe to friendship (27). In that game of dice with Rukshmi, Baladeva betted from ten to a thousand gold coins (28). Although the highly powerful Baladeva was very careful Rukshmi won that game and betted another such amount (29). Thus repeatedly defeated by Rukshmi the highly powerful elder brother of Keshava betted one koti gold coins (30). Saying to the holder of mace, 'you are defeated' and smiling the greatly wily Rukshmi threw his dice. And with pride he again said "Although unconquerable in battle, Baladeva, a novice and weak in a game of dice, has lost innumerable gold coins to me" (31–32).

Hearing it the king of Kalinga, delightedly and showing his teeth, laughed aloud. Hearing those words of Rukshmi relating to his defeat the holder of ploughshare (Bala) was worked up with anger. Assailed by the cutting words of Bhishmaka's son, the pious son of Rohini, although a master of anger, again invoked his rage. And although worked up with ire, the highly powerful Rama, controlling his passions, calmly said:—"My next bet is one hundred koti gold coins, O king. Throwing red and copper coloured dice in this sinful country take all this" (33–37). Thus addressed by Rohini's son, Rukshmi, the wretch of a man, did not say anything at first, then saying "Very well" he again threw his dice (38). When the dice, bearing four marks, were thrown by him Rukshmi was rightly defeated by Rāma. But the descendant of Bhoja did not admit it but smilingly said "I have won the game." Hearing those deceiptful words Baladeva was again filled with anger and therefore did not give any reply. Thereupon increasing the anger of the high-souled Baladeva an invisible voice said solemnly like the muttering of clouds—"Truly has said the beautiful Baladeva. Rukshmi has been defeated in a fair play. Although they know at heart that they have been defeated still they do not admit it in words. Though Baladeva says nothing, still in fact, he has won the game. This is the truth (39–44)."

Hearing this well-expressed truthful word from the sky the powerful Sangkarshena stood up and began to grind on earth, Rukshmi's elder brother with the huge dice board. Enraged at those words, Rāma, the foremost of Yadus, slew with force that harsh-speeched and jealous Rukshmi (45–46). Thereupon coming out therefrom in anger he struck down the teeth of the Kalinga king and began to roar there in anger like a lion. Then taking up a dagger he terrified all other kings. Afterwards uprooting, like an elephant, the golden pillars of the hall and terrifying the Kaishikas there Sangkarshana, the foremost of the strong, came out of the door (47-49). As a lion assails the little deer so having slain the wicked Rukshmi, Rāma, the foremost of Yadus, encircled by his own men, returned to his tent and communicated to Keshava all that had happened (50-51). The highly effulgent Krishna said nothing to Rāma. Hearing of the death of her own brother and cursing her own self Rukshmini began to shed tears in anger and said:—"Alas, Rukshmi, powerful like Indra, the slayer of hostile heroes who had not been slain by Vāsudeva before, has been slain in the gambling-hall with the dice board hurled by Rāma." (52-54).

On the highly powerful son of Bhishmaka, Rukshmi, trained by Bhārgava, and well-versed in warfare and active like Bhārgava himself, being slain the Vrishnis and Andhakas were filled with sorrow. O foremost of Bharatas, you have thus listened to how the Vrishnis became enemies, of Rukshmi and how he was slain. O king, a few days after this incident the Vrishnis, who were under Rāma and Krishna, came to the city of Dwāravati with profuse riches (55–58).


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