Tuesday 8 September 2020




Rama and Krishna being received at the Court of the King Ugrasena at Mathura

Janamejaya said:—O Brahman, when the Lord Krishna, endued with Sakra's prowess, set out from the city of Bidarbha he did not ride the highly powerful son of Vinatā, Garuda; why did he then take him away with him? And what did Vinatā's son do? O great Muni, I am filled with great curiosity in this; do thou unfold the mystery (1–2).

Vaishampāyana said:—O king, listen to the work, difficult of being done by men, which the highly effulgent son of Vinatā performed after his departure from the city of Bidarbha (3). O lord, before his departure to the city of Mathurā when Janārddana, the god of gods, said before the assembled kings, "I shall repair to the charming city of Mathura governed by the Bhoja king" the beautiful and intelligent son of Vinatā thought for a considerable time, and then saluting Vāsudeva, after he has finished his say, said with folded hands (4–6).

Garuda said:—"O god, I shall now proceed to Raivata's city Kushasthali, to the charming mount Raivata and the adjacent forest thereto resembling the garden of Nandana (7).

"The Rākshasas have abandoned the charming city of Kushasthali. It is situate at the base of the Raivata mountain and on the bank of the great ocean. It abounds in trees decorated with filaments of flowers, in groves and creepers. It is scattered with elephants and serpents, and inhabited by bear, monkeys, boars, buffaloes and deer. I shall perfectly examine (that place) and see if it is worthy of thy habitation. O lord, if that extensive and charming city is fitted for thy residence, I shall remove all the thorns and come back to thee" (8-10).

Vaishampāyana said:—Having thus expressed himself before Janārddana, the king of gods, and saluted him the powerful lord of birds set out towards the western direction (11). And when Krishna too, with the Yadavas, entered into the beautiful city of Mathurā, Ugrasena came out of the city with dancing girls and citizens and honored the victorious Krishna (12).

Janamejaya said:—What did the mighty-armed Emperor Ugrasena do when he heard of Krishna's installation by the numberless kings (13)?

Vaishampāyana said:—Hearing of Krishna’s installation as the Emperor by numberless kings, of Indra's making peace with him through his envoy Chitrangada, of the apportionment of wealth, each king being entitled to a lakh, each emperor to a Arvuda and each ordinary men to ten, and that every one, who came there, did not go away empty handed and that the graceful lord of Nidhis, Sanka, commanded by the gods, distributed wealth after Krishna's heart, from his own men and other persons informed of people's conduct, Ugrasena offered a great puja at the temples of the tutelary deities. The two sides of the gate of Vasudeva's house were decorated with flags, pennons and garlands. He also decorated with flags Kansa’s assembly hall Suprabhā adorned with various sheets of cloth (14-20). The doors of the sitting-room of the Emperor Krishna in Gopura were pasted with ambrosia by the king (21). There was dancing and music on all sides. The city was decorated with flags, garlands of wild flowers and jars full of water (22). The king sprinkled sandal water in all the high-ways and spread sheets of cloth on the ground (23). On both sides of the roads incense was kept in vessels and continually burnt with Aguru, molass and various other articles (24). The elderly women began to sing benedictory hymns and youthful damsels moved about anxiously in their respective houses (25).

Having thus commenced the festivity in the city the Emperor Ugrasena repaired to Ugrasena's Palace and after communicating to him the pleasant news and consulting with Rāma went to the car. O king, in the meantime the great sound of the conch-shell Pānchajanya was heard. Hearing that sound of the conch the entire city of Mathurā, with their women, boys, elderly men, panegyrists, songsters, and accompanied by a huge army, issued out placing Rāma before them. Ugrasena himself carried arghya and water for washing feet for Krishna (26–29).

After going over to some distance and coming within the view of Vāsudeva the Emperor Ugrasena desired to proceed on foot and accordingly got down from his white car (30). And beholding Hari, the king of gods, seated on a charming car adorned with celestial jewels he, in words suppressed with joy, said to the lotus-eyed Rāma the slayer of his enemy's army. Krishna was adorned with ornaments set with jewels, was shining like the sun on account of the garland of wild flowers decorating his breast, was accompanied by fans, umbrellas and flags with the emblems of Garuda painted thereon, embellished with all the marks of royalty and endued with the beauty of the rising sun (31–34).

(Ugrasena said):—"O great one, it does not behove me to proceed on car after this. Thinking this I have got down. Do thou go on the car (35). Coming to Mathurā in the disguise of Keshava Vishnu has manifested himself as the king of gods in the ocean-like assemblage of the kings. I therefore wish to chant his glories properly." The highly effulgent elder brother of Krishna (then) replied to the king (saying) (36–37):

"O king, it is not proper to chant the glories of that best of kings at the time of his going. Without it Janārddana is pleased with you. What is the use of hymning him who is himself propitiated? Your visit is identical with your chanting of his glories. While Krishna, although he has acquired the dignity of the Lord Paramount, is coming to your house, what is the use of praising him with celestial and super-human hymns?" Thus conversing with each other they went to Keshava (38–40).

Beholding the king Ugrasena approach with arghya in his hands Krishna, the foremost of orators, stopped his car and said:—"O king of Mathurā, while I have installed you, declaring, 'Be you the lord of Mathura' it does not behove me to make it otherwise. O king, you should not offer me arghya and water for washing my feet and rinsing my mouth. This is my heart-felt desire (41-43). O king, informed of your intention I say that you are the king of Mathura. Do not make it otherwise. O king, I will confer upon you your proper share in the land and gift. As I did with the other kings I had kept your share in reserve beforehand, one hundred thousandth portion without any ornaments or raiment. O king, get upon your white car adorned with gold, umbrella, fans, flags and celestial ornaments. And wearing your crown of sunny lustre govern the city of Mathurā, delightedly with your sons and grand-sons, defeat your enemies and multiply the Bhoja race. The king of gods, the holder of thunder-bolt sent, for Ananta and Shouri, celestial ornaments and raiments. From the thousand jars of gold coins reserved for the citizens of Mathurā in that ceremony of installation the king of gods has ordered that one thousand should be given to each of the panegyrists and bards, one hundred to each old man, prostitute and other men and ten thousand to each of the Yādavas, Vikadru and others who live with the king Ugrasena (44–52)".

Vaishampāyana said:—Having thus honored the Emperor Ugrasena in the presence of all the soldiers Janārddana, with great delight, entered the city of Mathurā (53). On account of the celestial ornaments, garlands, raiments and unguents it appeared as if he was living in the city of the celestials encircled by gods (54). Like unto the muttering of clouds there arose a great tumult consisting of the sound of bugles and trumpets, blare of conches, the noise of elephants, the neighing of horses, the leonine shouts of the heroes and rattle of car-wheels (55-56). The panegyrists began to sing his praises and the subjects to salute him with numberless presents. At this Hari was not the least surprised (57). He was high-minded by nature, shorn of egoism and has seen a greater display than this beforehand. And for this he was not filled with surprise (58). Beholding Mādhava's arrival who was shining in the lustre of his own person effulgent like the sun the inhabitants of Mathurā saluted him at every step and said (59):

"He is Nārāyāna, the abode of Shree living in the ocean of milk. Leaving his serpent-couch he has come to the city of Mathurā (60). Having chained Bali irrepressible unto the immortals he conferred the soverignty of the three worlds on Vasava the wielder of thunder-bolt (61). Having slain Kansa, the foremost of the powerful and other Daityas this slayer of Keshi has conferred the kingdom of Mathura on the Bhoja king (62). Not being himself installed and not sitting on the royal throne, he, having acquired the dignity of the Lord Paramount, has entrusted Ugrasena with the government of Mathurā" (63).

Having heard this conversation of the citizens, the bards, panegyrists and the poets sang, "O thou the ocean of accomplishments, how can we, who are one tongued men, sing the deeds begotten of thy prowess and energy (64–65). The thousand-headed serpent-king Vāsuki, who has the intellect of a god, can, with his two thousand tongues, to a certain extent describe thy accomplishments (66). It is a great wonder to the kings of the earth that a throne was sent by Indra. It never happened before nor will it be in future (67). The descension of the assembly-hall and jars from the celestial region has never been heard of or seen. Therefore we consider it as a wonder (68). O Keshava, conceiving a son like thee, the foremost of gods, Devaki, the best of damsels, has been blessed because she, with her eyes full of affection, saw thy lotus face adored by men and the immortals (69–70)".

Placing Ugrasena before them and listening to the conversation regarding their praises sung by the citizens the two brothers Rāma and Krishna arrived at the gate and the king worshipped them repeatedly sending for arghya and water for washing feet and rinsing mouth (71–72). Thereupon approaching Keshava's car, saluting him with his head down and mounting on an elephant the energetic and intelligent Ugrasena began to shower gold as the clouds discharge their watery contents (73). Having thus showered gold on him the beautiful Mādhava arrived at his father's house and said to Ugrasena, the king of Mathura (74): "O lord, although I have secured the dignity of the Lord Paramount, this throne, conferred by the king of gods, should be kept in the king's Palace (75). Although acquired by the strength of my own arms I do not like to come by the assembly-hall of the king of Mathurā. O lord, I propitiate you. Do not be offended" (76).

O king Janamejaya, at that time Vasudeva, Devaki and Rohini were so much overwhelmed with joy that they could not give vent to any word (77).

O king, thereupon considering the importance of time and place, Kansa's mother, taking riches and presents of various countries acquired by him, went to Keshava and dedicated them to his feet. Observing it Krishna sent for Ugrasena and said in sweet words (78–79).

Krishna said:—"It is time that has snatched away your two sons; I have not slain them either for riches or for the kingdom of Mathurā (80), O king of Mathura, having vanquished your enemies by the might of my arms do you perform many sacrifices and make profuse presents (81). O king, do you cast off your mental agony and fear consequent upon Kansa's death. I return you these riches; do you accept them" (82)

Having thus consoled the king, Krishna, along with Balarama, went to his parents (83). There those two highly powerful heroes, with heart full of joy, saluted their parents bending their heads (84). O Janamejaya, at that time the city of Mathurā left off her own form and as if the capital of gods came down there leaving the celestial region (85). Beholding Vasudeva's house the citizens did not consider it as earth but took it for the region of the celestials (86). Having thus entered Vasudeva's house the heroic Baladeva and Keshava dismissed Ugrasena, the king of Mathurā and his queen. And then leaving off their arms and moving about for some time they went through the evening rites. And then seated at ease they conversed with one another (87-88). In the meantime there took place a highly dreadful calamity. The clouds were scattered in the sky, the earth and the mountains were shaken, the oceans were agitated, the serpents were terrified and the Yadavas, trembling, fell down on earth (89–90). Beholding them thus fallen the immoveable Rāma and Krishna, perceived, from the flapping of the huge wings, the approach of Garuda, the foremost of birds. And within a short time they saw Garuda by them. Saluting them both with his head, Vinatā's son, of a gentle form, adorned with celestial garlands and unguents, sat on a seat (61–92). Observing the arrival of his war-like minister, the intelligent son of Vinatā, the slayer of Madhu said: "O thou the grinder of the enemies of the celestial army, O delight of Vinatā's heart, O foremost of birds, O favourite of Keshava, may thy arrival here prove auspicious" (93–94). Having thus addressed Vinatā's son, stationed there like a very god Krishna again said to him who was equally powerful (95).

Krishna said:—O foremost of birds, let us now go to the highly extensive inner appartment of the Bhoja king, for there, seated at ease we shall be able to hold counsels after our own hearts (96).

Vaishampāyana said:—When having entered the inner appartment of the Bhoja king along with Vinatā's son, the highly powerful Krishna and Baladeva held parley, the former said:—"O Vinatā's son, the king Jarāsandha is unslayable by us. It has been so ordained. Incomparable is his might and he is encircled by a huge army and highly powerful kings. The army of the Magadha king consists of many soldiers and so we shall not be able to consume it even within hundred years. Therefore I tell you, O king of birds, that it never bodes good for us to live in this city of Mathura. Even it is my desire (97-100)".

Garuda said:—O god of gods, having saluted thee I took leave and went to Kusathali for finding out a worthy habitation for thee (101), O foremost of gods, having gone there and been stationed in the welkin I reconnoitered all over that city endued with all auspicious marks (102). That city is situate in an extensive watery province of the ocean. It has the ocean on the east and is therefore always cool. It is surrounded on all sides by the ocean, a mine of every sort of jem, spread with trees conferring wished-for objects, covered on all sides with flowers of all seasons and therefore highly charming; it is the abode of all forms of Ashramas, satisfies every sort of desire, is filled with men and women, is always full of merriment, is encircled by ditches and walls, is embellished with palaces and gates, variegated courtyards and roads, has huge doors and gates, and various bolts and other contrivances, is adorned with a golden wall, is filled with car-warriors, cavalry and infantry, and with trees of various countries covered with celestial flowers and fruits, is adorned with flags and pennons, contains big palaces, strikes terror to the enemies, enhances the joy of the friends and is isolated from other cities presided over by kings (103-109). O god, there is that best of mountains Raivata resembling the garden of Nandana. Do thou make it an ornament of thy gate (110). O foremost of gods, that city will also be liked by thy sons. Do thou go and live there (111). Like unto Indra's capital Amarāvati thy city will be celebrated in the three worlds under the name of Dwāravati (112). O god, if the great ocean gives there room covered with water the celestial Architect will make works of art after his own heart (113). O god, out of lustrous jewels, pearls, corals, diamonds, sapphires and other jems produced in the three worlds, do thou have many white palaces built there like unto the assembly hall of the celestials, consisting of hundred heavenly pillars, adorned with all sorts of jewels made of gold, decorated with celestial flags and pennons, guarded by gods and Kinnaras and lighted by the sun and the moon (114-116).

Vaishampāyana said:—Having said this to Keshava and saluted them both Vinatā's son took his seat (117). Meditating on the words uttered by him conducive to their well-being, and in order to give a proof of his appreciation Krishna, with Rama, honored Garuda with presents of most excellent and precious dresses and dismissed him. And then they enjoyed there like two immortals in the city of the celestials (118-119). When in time the highly illustrious Bhoja king heard of what Garuda had said he affectionately addressed to Keshava the following nectarine words (120).

He said:—O Krishna, O enhancer of the delight of the Yādavas, O thou of large arms, O slayer of thy enemies, listen to what I say. O my son, without thee, like unto a woman separated from her husband we shall not be able to live happily either in this city of Mathurā or in any other kingdom. O conferror of honor, even if Indra comes to the help of all the kings, still we, under the protection of thy arms, do not fear them. O foremost of Yadus, we shall proceed for accomplishing conquests (121-124).

Hearing Ugrasena's words Devaki's son smilingly said: "O king, I am ready to do whatever you wish. There is not the least doubt in it" (125).

Source: https://archive.org/details/AProseEnglishTranslationOfHarivamsh

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