Tuesday 25 August 2020




Vishnu and Garuda at Deva's Sacrifice

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Beholding the eternal Krishna arrive there with Vināta's son the leading kings were stricken with great anxiety (1). O king, those kings of dreadful prowess, well-read in the science of Polity and expert in counsels, assembled at the golden assembly hall of king Bhismaka for holding consultations. As the gods sit in the celestial assembly hall so they sat there on seats variegated with coverings of diverse colors (1-3). As the king of gods addressed the celestials so the highly powerful Jarāsandha, of large arms and great energy, addressed them saying (4).

"O ye foremost of kings, the best of speakers, O highly intelligent Bhishmaka, do you all listen to what I say according to my own understanding (5). This Krishna, the well known son of Vasudeva, who has come to the city of Kundina with Garuda and other Yādavas, is endued with great energy and prowess. He has come here for the maiden and forsooth he will set forth mighty exertions for acquiring her (6-7). O foremost of kings, you should behave in this matter according to the rules of Polity. Do yo all work so considering your own strength and weakness (8). You know well the highly dreadful work which these two powerful sons of Vasudeva performed on the mount Gomanta without the help of Vinatā's son (9). I cannot say how Krishna will fight united with the mighty car-warriors of the Yadava, Bhoja and Andhaka races (10). When seated on Garuda Vishnu will set forth his exertions for acquiring the maiden, even Sakra, assisted by the celestials, or any other person, will not be able to stand in the battle-field (11). When the universe was submerged under one all-spreading ocean, the powerful Vishnu, the Prime cause of the world, assuming a boar form, released the earth gone down to the depth of the nether region and in his same boarish form killed Hiranyaksha the king of Daityas (12–13). The highly powerful, uuconquerable Daitya-king, Hiranyakashipu, who did not meet with his death in the three worlds, consisting of immortals, Daityas, Rishis, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Yakshas Rakshasas and Nāgas, in the sky, on the earth, and in the nether region, in day or in night, from a dry or an wet article, was slain in the days of yore by Hari in his man-lion form (14–16). Binding the powerful Bali, the foremost of Asuras begotten by Kagyapa on Aditi, with a noose of promise Vishnu, in his form of a dwarf, sent him down to the nether region. When at the junction of the Tretā and Dwāpara ages, the king of seven insular continents, the highly powerful king Kārtavirya, endued with thousand arms, grew elated with the pride of kingdom by Dattātreya's favour the highly energetic Vishnu took his birth in disguise, from Jamadagni and Renukā, as Rāma, the foremost of warriors and killed him with his axe, hard as the thunder-bolt (17–20). Dasharatha's son Rāma, born in the race of Ikshāku in the days of yore, killed the heroic Rāvana, the conqueror of the three worlds (21). In the Tretā age in the war of which Tāraka was the root, the powerful Vishnu, seated on Garuda, assuming a form of eight arms, killed in the battle-field the Asuras, who were elated with the boons conferred on them. By his great Yoga power, Vishnu, having an universal form, killed, with his discus, effulgent like the sun, the demon Kālanemi who terrorized the gods (22–24). What more, innumerable Daityas have been despatched by him in time to the abode of Yama. By him as a boy in the forest, many highly powerful and forest-ranging demons, Dhenuka, Arishtha and Pralamva have been slain. Slaying in his cow-herd form Shakuni, Putanā, Keshi, Jamala, Arjuna, the elephant Kuvalayapida, Chānura, Mushitika and Kansa with his followers Devaki's son sported there. In disguise thus he performed many superhuman feats (25–28). I consider Devaki's son Keshava as the first cause of the celestials, the destroyer of the Asuras, as Nārāyana, the ancient Purusha, the Prime cause of the universe, as Truth, the creator of all creatures manifest and unmanifest, irrepressible unto all, the adored of all, the first, the middle, as devoid of destruction, eternal, self-born, unborn, stable, mobile and immobile, unconquerable, of three foot-steps, the lord of the three worlds, the destroyer of the enemies of the king of gods, and the eternal Vishnu. This my sure under standing, I have acquired from Mathurā (29–33). Can Garuda be the carrier of a man even if he be born in the high family of a mortal Lord Paramount (34)? Besides when Janarddana will display his prowess for the maiden what powerful man will be able to stand before Garuda (35)? Forsooth I tell you that Vishnu himself has come for this Swayamvara. Mighty is the calamity that will befall you on his arrival here (36). You should do whatever you think proper after this."

Vaishampāyana said:—After Jarāshandha, the king of Magadha, had said this, the greatly wise Sunitha replied saying:

"What the mighty-armed king of Magadha has said, is true. In that great battle on the mount Gomanta Krishna performed many feats, difficult of accomplishment, before the kings (37–39). With the fire of their discus and ploughshare the huge army, of the kings, consisting of elephants, horses, cars, infantry and flags, was consumed (40). Remembering the dreadful plight of the soldiers of the king and fearing their future calamity the king of Magadha is saying this (41). Though Rāma and Keshava fought on foot in battle still the soldiers of the kings were terribly slaughtered and no body could prevent it (42). O foremost of kings, you all remember that the sky-rangers were overwhelmed by the wind raised by the flapping of the wings of Suparna when he came there (43). The oceans were agitated and the earth and the mountains were repeatedly shaken. We also were terrified thinking 'what is this calamity (44)?' When armed with his coat of mail, Keshava, seated on Garuda, will engage in fight what man, like ourselves, will be able to stand in the battle-field (45)? The prime kings laid down the practice of holding Swayamvara ever increasing delight, the mine of piety and fame unto the kings (46). Coming to this city of Kundina the kings will no time combat with that great hero (47). If this princess selects any one from amongst other kings what person will be able to stand the strength of Krishna's arms (48)? O kings, although a Swayamvara is a matter of festivity, still it will give birth to a calamity and for this Krishna and ourselves have met here (49). Therefore as the king of Magadha has said, the arrival of Krishna here, for the maiden, bespeaks of a calamity that is to befall the kings (50)".

Source: https://archive.org/details/AProseEnglishTranslationOfHarivamsh

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