Sunday 23 August 2020




Krishna and Garuda

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Having said this, and set out on his car Krishna arrived at Bhishmaka's house in the evening[1] (1). When he arrived at that meeting of the kings and saw the spacious arena full of camps he was possessed by Rajasika[2] inclination (2). Thereupon in order to terrify the kings and display his own prowess he thought of the highly powerful son of Vinatā who had attained Siddhi beforehand (3). As soon as he was thought of Vinatā's son, assuming a form that could be seen easily, approached Keshava (4). With the strokes of his wings which could agitate even the wind, all the men, trembling and being haunch-backed, fell down on earth. And they began to exert like serpents deprived of the power of rising up. Beholding them all fallen Krishna, firm like a mountain, came to know that the king of birds had arrived. He then saw that Garuda, adorned with celestial garlands and unguents, was approaching him, shaking the earth with the flapping of his wings. The weapons, with their faces down wards, were fixed on his back like licking serpents with a view to be favoured with the touch of Vishnu's hand. Adorned with golden feathers like a mountain consisting of minerals that king of birds was dragging, with his feet, black serpents. Beholding his own carrier the intelligent Garuda arrived and stationed before him like a god, who brought ambrosia for him, who was the destroyer of serpents, the terrifier of the Daityas, whose emblem was on his flag-staff and who was his councillor Madhusudana was pleased and gave vent to the following words befitting the occasion. "O foremost of birds, O grinder of the enemies of the celestial army, O delighter of Vinatā's heart, O favourite of Keshava, thou art welcome (5-13). O foremost of birds, we shall go to the house of Kaishika and behold the Swayamvara. Do thou also accompany us (14). There hundreds of highly powerful kings have assembled with their elephants, horses and cars; we shall behold those high-souled ones (15)."

The word in the text is Lohitayati Bhaskare, i.e., when the sun became red like heated iron.

His inclination was possessed by the quality of darkness i.e., He was actuated by a selfish motive but not for a sinful end.

Saying this to the highly powerful son of of Vinatā, the beautiful Krishna, of large arms, set out for the city of the high-sould Kaishika along with the mighty car-warriors the Yādavas (16). When Devaki's son the beautiful Krishna, the friend of Vinatā's son, reached the city of Vidarbha along with the mighty car-warrior Yādavas, all the powerful kings, holding all sorts of weapons, were filled with delight and began to make arrangements for his quarters (17–18).

Vaishampāyana said:—In the meantime the king Kaishika, well read in moral laws, rose up delightedly from among the kings, welcomed himself Krishna with water to wash his feet and rinse his mouth and arghya and placed him in his own city (19-20). Like unto Shankara entering into the Kailāca hill Krishna, with his army, entered into the house that had been kept ready for him from before. Adored with various edibles, drinks, jewels, honors and love Vāsava's younger brother Krishna lived happily in king Kaishika's house (21–22).


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