Tuesday 18 August 2020




Krishna and Balarama

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - The two heroic sons of Vasudeva, united with Damaghosha, spent five nights with delight like one in the way according to the rules of a traveller. And when they reached the city of Mathurā all the Yadavas, headed by Ugrasena, came out to receive them (1–3). All the traders, subjects, ministers and the boys and old men of Mathurā came out to recieve them (4). All the crossings of four streets were decorated with garlands and flags; trumpets were beaten announcing joy and panegyrists began to sing the glories of those two foremost of men (5). At the return of those two brothers the entire city of Mathura appeared delighted, joyous and beautiful as on the occasion of an Indrayajna (6). The songsters began to sing on highways delightful songs containing a profuse description of the glories of the Yādavas, announcing "O ye Yādavas, the two brothers Rāma and Govinda, celebrated in the world, have arrived at their own city. Do you sport happily (7-8)."

When Rāma and Krishna came there none in the city of Mathurā was poorly, in dirty clothes and unconscious (9). Cows, horses and elephants grew delightful and birds began to emit auspicious notes and men and women attained to mental felicity (10). Auspicious winds, shorn of dust, began to blow in the ten quarters and all the images of deities in temples were delighted (11). All the signs of the Krita age appeared there in Mathurā with their arrival (12).

Thereupon seated on a car drawn by beautiful horses Rāma and Keshava entered the city of Mathurā in an auspicious moment (13). As the gods follow Shakra the Yādavas followed Rāma and Govinda to the charming city (14). As the sun and moon enter into the mountain so those two descendants of Yadu, with delightful faces, entered into the house of their sire Vasudeva (15). Keeping their respective weapons there of their own accord the two sons of Vasudeva attained to consummate delight (16). Thereupon bowing unto the feet of Vasudeva they showed proper honor to king Ugrasena and other leading Yadavas who were assembled there (17). They, too, welcomed by them duly in return, delightedly entered into their mother's appartment (18). In this way following Ugrasena, Rāma and Keshava, of extraordinary deeds and beautiful faces, spent some days happily in Mathurā (19).

Source: https://archive.org/details/AProseEnglishTranslationOfHarivamsh

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