Monday 15 June 2020




Rainy Season in Vrindavana

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Thus living in Vrindāvana the two highly beautiful sons of Vasudeva began to range there tending kine (1). Sporting with the milk-men and bathing in the river Yamunā they spent the summer there happily (2). Thereupon with the advent of the rainy season that creates desire in the mind of men, clouds, containing rainbow, began to discharge their watery contents (3). The sun was enshrouded by the scattering clouds drawing in new water. The ground was rendered invisible by the new grown grass (4). With her surface brushed by the new clouds the earth appeared like a youthful damsel (5). Watered by the new showers, the forests and the forest-roads were divested of dust and filled with Sakragopas[1] (6). This was the dancing season of the peacocks emitting sweet notes. And elated with passion they began to pour their Kekā notes (7). The clouds began to embellish the persons of the beautiful Kadamva flowers, that had attained their youth in the wonderful rainy season and which is the only food of the bees (8). The forest was scented with the fragrance of Kadamva[2] flowers and rendered smiling by the Kutaja[3] flowers. Its heat was destroyed by the clouds and the earth was satisfied by the showers of rain. Being sprinkled with water by the clouds the mountains, that had been scorched by the rays of the sun and the forest were, as it were, emitting smokes. With terrible winds and huge clouds rising in the sky the earth assumed the appearance of the city of a great king (9-10).

[1] An insect (coccinella of various kinds). 

[2] A plant commonly Kadamba (Nancha Kadamba)

[3] A medicinal plant.

Adorned hither and thither with Kadamba and plantain flowers, that forest, abounding in delightful Nipa trees, shone there like the burning fire (11). Smelling the fragrance of the earth wet with the showers of Indra, and scattered by the wind the people were stricken with desire (12). The earth was filled with the notes of the maddened bees, the sound of the frogs and the wonderful Kekā notes of the peacocks (13). With their currents increased by the downpour of rain the rivers, expanding themselves, began to carry away the trees grown on their banks. And there were seen all over them quickly moving whirlpools (14). Stupified by the continuous showers and having their wings distressed, the birds, as if on account of their quiet nature, did not leave the branches of the trees (15). The sun, as if, began to drown himself in the womb of the new clouds surcharged with water and filled with the noise of the falling torrents (16). The earth put on, as if, a garland of fresh grass. The huge trees, forming the land marks, were uprooted and everywhere was enveloped with water. And it was difficult, accordingly, to find out the paths (17). The mountains, abounding in huge trees, were as it were, assailed by thunderbolts and their summits were being carried down by the torrents (18). The forest-land was filled with the torrents of rain flowing down and overflowing the banks of the lakes (19). Following the muttering of clouds, raising up their trunks and running to and fro during the rainy season the elephants looked like clouds coming down on earth (20).

In this way when the rains set in Rohini's son, in order to see the clouds surcharged with water, said to Krishna in private (21). "O Krishna, look at the dark clouds in the sky adorned with the shining ornaments of lightning. They have, as if, stolen away the hue of your person (22). This is the time for your sleep. The sky is like your body. As you every year live secretly in this season so the moon is doing (23). With the advent of the rains, the sky, covered with clouds, growing dark-blue on account of blue clouds and shining like the red-blue lotuses, is appearing more beautiful (24). Behold, O Krishna, the charming mountain Govardhana, covered with dark clouds surcharged with water, is giving a lie to its own name of bringing up kine[4] (25). Greatly worked up with passion on account of the falling of the showers the black-bees are ranging happily all over the forest (26). O you having lotus-like eyes, the highly tender green grass, vegetating profusely by the new water, are, as if, trying to cover the earth (27). This rainy season has not been able to increase the beauty of the mountain, abounding in fountains, that of the forest filled with water, and that of cultivated fields enveloped with corns (28). O Dāmodara, driven by the quick-coursing winds, these clouds, with their dreadful mutterings, are increasing the desire of those living in foreign countries for returning home and are thus displaying shamelessness (29). O Hari, O you of three foot-steps, behold, your second foot-step[5] is embellished with rain-bow of three colors without arrows and string (30).

[4] The word Govardhana literally means one who nourishes kine from Go kine and Vardhana to nourish. The mountain is so beautifully situated that the kine grow up there without any hitch. But in the rains the mountain has been so covered with clouds that they cannot graze there at ease. It has thus given a lie to the true import of its name.

[5] This refers to the sky, because at the sacrifice of the demon Bali, he placed his first foot on earth and the second in the sky.

In this month of Srāvana the sun is shorn of his beauty. His scorching rays being cooled down by the clouds, he, although of thousand rays, appears to have none (31). The all-spreading clouds, agitated like the water of the ocean and accompanied by continuous showers, have, as it were, united the earth and sky (32). The torrents of rain flowing on earth, and the air, perfumed with the fragrance of Nipa, Arjuna and Kadamva flowers and capable of exciting passion, blowing with sound on high, the sky, covered with extensive and heavily showering clouds, is appearing like a deep and vast ocean (33-34). Armed with effulgent Nārāchas in the shape of showers, having the cloud for his coat of mail, and the rain-bow for his bow, the sky is, as if, ready for battle (35). O you of a beautiful countenance, covered with clouds, the mountains, forest and the tops of the trees are looking highly beautiful (36). Enveloped with clouds pouring down their watery contents and resembling an army of elephants the sky is imitating the color of the ocean (37). Blowing there with drops of water the dreadful blasts of winds, that shake the tender plants and destroy the gravity of the oceans, are oppressing all with cold (38). The moon disappearing from view in night after the sun-set, and the clouds continually discharging showers, no quarter of the sky, appears beautiful (39). Filled with passing clouds resembling leathern bags full of air, the sky appears moving like an animate object (40). People can make out very little difference between day and night. What shall I speak more, O Krishna, see, Vrindāvana, relieved of heat and adorned with showers, is looking beautiful like Chaitraratha garden" (41).

Thus describing the advantages of the rainy season, Krishna's elder brother, the beautiful Balarāma entered Vraja. Pleasing each other Krishna and Sangkarshana began to range there in that vast forest in the company of their then kinsmen the cowherds (42-43).


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