Friday 12 June 2020




Vraja village Gokulam

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Vasudeva had already heard of the son, more beautiful than the moon, given birth to by Rohini in the village of Vraja (1). He, without delay, said to the milkman Nanda, in sweet words "quickly go to Vraja with Yashodā. Having performed the various rites consequent upon their birth do you happily bring up in Vraja those two boys (2-3). Do you carefully protect in Vraja that son of mine whom Rohini has given birth to. My name will then be mentioned as having a son in the list of the ancestral manes (4). Alas, I have not been able to see the face of my only son. Although I am wise this is stealing away my wisdom (5). I specially fear this wicked Kansa for he does not feel the least mercy when he kills the children. Besides various other dangers threaten the children in this world. Therefore, O Nanda, take care of Rohini's son as you do of your own (6-7). My son is the eldest and your son is the youngest. The import of their names is also the same. Therefore bring them up with equal care (8). They are both of equal age. Please see, O milkman, that they may grow up under your fostering care and grace Vraja (9). In their childhood, everybody takes his own way, becomes naughty and commits mistakes. Therefore train them with great care (10). Never make your cow-sheds in Vrindāvana for there is every fear of the wicked Keshi, of various reptiles, insects and vultures. Protect those two boys against the cows and calves in the cow-shed (11-12). O Nanda, night is almost over. Go soon to Vraja. See, the birds in the south are also asking you to do so" (13).

Hearing of this secret intelligence from the large-minded Vasudeva, Nanda was greatly pleased and ascended his conveyance along with Yashodā (14). He placed the baby prince on a vehicle carried by men on their shoulders (15). He then proceeded by a road situate on the bank of Yamuna, sprinkled with profuse water and filled with cool air (16).

Thus proceeding to some distance he saw Vraja, the charming village of cows, situate on the bank of Yamuna near the mount Govarddhana and filled with cool air (17). It was adorned with animals emitting sweet cries, huge trees covered with creepers, and kine, giving milk and grazing (18). That place was so beautifully level that the kine could range there at ease and the tanks there had all well-levelled stairs. The trees were scratched by the humps and horns of the bulls (19). Vultures, wild cats, falcons and other birds, who are fond of flesh and always follow them, and other beasts more powerful than they, such as jackals, leopards and lions always live there. And for this that place was filled with fat, marrow and bones (20). That place, covered with profuse grass, was filled with birds of various species and the roaring of tigers, was well adorned with trees crested with sweet fruits and was resonant with the auspicious sound of kine, and calves. That charming village was filled with milkmaids (21–22). The roads, for carriage, were spacious there. It was covered with thorns and its outside was filled with fallen huge trees (23).

All through the circumference there were stakes fixed on the ground and ropes for the calves; and it was filled with cow-dungs. The temples and cottages there were covered with grass (24). It was filled with the sound of churning. State officials, possessing all the signs of prosperity and well-developed and delighted persons always live there (25). The ground there was saturated with the leavings of curd and the drains were covered with moss and it was filled with the sound of the churning bangles of milk-women (26). The cow-sheds were all properly protected by well-shut doors; inside them were the houses for cows. It was filled with the play-grounds of milk-men and abounded in boys wearing feathers of crows (27). The youthful damsels of milk-men, clad in blue raiments, prepare clarified butter and accordingly there blows sweet-scented air (28). Having their heads adorned with garlands of wild flowers and their breasts covered with jackets, the milk-maids, with jars of milk on their heads, always walk about there (29). The road, on the bank of Yamuna, was also filled with milk-maids, carrying water. When the milk-man Nanda, with a delighted heart, entered by this way to his village there arose a great shout of joy amongst the men of his clan. The elderly milk men and women came out and received him in the city. He also went to that delightful place of his own accord. Thereupon going to the beloved wife of Vasudeva Rohini, he placed there the mystic Purusha Krishna, resembling the rising sun (30-32).


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