Wednesday 7 July 2021




Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi in Milk ocean Ksheer Sagar Parkadal

Brahmā said:—O ye highly powerful gods, I have learnt the object of your arrival here. O leading Suras, your object will be accomplished. That lord of the universe, who will vanquish Bali the foremost of Dānavas, is not only the victor of the Daityas but is the conqueror of three worlds and is worshipful unto the gods. That eternal origin of the universe is the ordainer of the worlds. People call him omniscient and Hemagarbha. The great Lord, who will destroy the world and the Asura-chief Bali, is the origin of all and is our first born. That Yogin, that soul of the universe is above the reach of thought. Even the Devas do not know that great one: but that Purusottama knows the gods, ourselves and the whole universe. By His grace we fare well. And establishing communion with Him people practise hard austerities in this world.

O Devas, in the northern division and on the northern bank of the ocean of milk there is a most excellent place called Amrita (nectar): so the wise say. Go there and being self-controlled practise hard austerities. There you will hear most sacred, purified words relating to Brahman grave like the muttering of clouds surcharged with water in the rainy season. That celestial speech is destructive of all sins and was spoken by the god of gods of pure soul. So long as your vow will not terminate you will hear that great universal speech. O gods, you have come to me and I am ready to grant you boons. Tell me what boon you do want.

Thereupon having bowed unto that one identical with Yoga Kashyapa and Aditi touched his feet and accepted the following boon. "May Lord forsooth be born as our son." When they with great reverence said so Brahmā said "So be it. Let the Devas pray to Him for becoming their brother and he will agree." Having obtained this boon from him and been successful in their mission the gods repaired to their respective habitations. Saying 'so be it' the Suras, Kashyapa and Aditi touched Brahmā's feet and repaired to the nothern quarter. Within a short time they reached the nothern bank of the ocean of milk as ordered by the Divine Brahmā. Crossing many oceans, mountains and rivers those leading celestials saw a highly dreadful quarter enshrouded with darkness and divested of the sun and creatures. Reaching that place called Amrita the Suras along with Kashyapa began to practise hard austerities for many years with a view to propitiate the thousand-eyed, intelligent Yogin Nārāyana endued with all lordly powers. Observing the vows of celibacy and silence and controlling their senses and movements the Suras practised hard austerities there. The divine Kashyapa recited for pleasing the Lord Narayana many Vedic verses of eulogy (1-26).


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