Friday 2 July 2021




Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu

Vaishampāyana said:—Having thus routed all the Asuras in battle, Hari released Purandara and all the celestials (1). Having regained their natural temperament all the gods, placing Purandara before them, approached Nārāyana (2).

The Gods said:—"O Lord, by thy favour, we have been released from the mouth of Death. What will Aditi's sons do for thee? We are willing to serve thy feet" (3-4). Hearing those words of the celestials, the Lord, having lotus eyes, was highly pleased and said to them who had their enemy slain (5). "Do ye all protect the religions severally alloted to you by me and obey my laws. You have been entitled to sacrificial offerings and therefore observe the laws established by me before." Having said this to the king of gods, he again continued:—"You should behave impartially towards the good and the wicked. O king of gods, you should allow the ascetics to enter always into your region that grants all desirable objects. May those, who propitiate the gods with sacrifices, obtain the fruits thereof. May the pious and religious flourish and the sinful become extinct. May the virtuous people, serving in various stages, conquer heaven. May men, who are truthful, humble, heroic and freed from envy, enjoy the fruits of heaven. Those, who are irreverent, lustful, avaricious, wicked and atheistic, should go to hell. O king of gods, you should observe these words of mine and your enemies will not be able to injure you as long as I am living." Having said this the holder of conch-shell, discus and club disappeared. All the gods were filled with great surprise and having saluted the Boar they repaired to the celestial region (6-16).


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