Friday 25 September 2020




Krishna Cleaves the Danava Narakasura with his Discus

Janamejaya said:—O great Muni, describe to me what the powerful Vishnu did when he came over to Dwārāka after the destruction of Rukshmi (1).

Vaishampāyana said:—The beautiful and powerful lord Vishnu, having lotus eyes, the enhancer of the delight of the Yadavas, encircled by them, directed his mind towards Dwārakā. (2) The diverse riches and jewels, he could lay his hands on any where, he made the Rākshasas bring over to his own house. The great Asuras, Dānavas and Daityas, who had acquired boons, as also put in many obstacles at that time; but the mighty-armed Mādhava destroyed them all (3–4).

O king, while Mādhava lived in Dwarakā, the Dānava Naraka, the great enemy of the king of gods and a terror to the celestials, presented many obstacles in his way (5). That Dānava, residing at Murtilinga, an oppresser of all the gods, used always to oppose the celestials and the Rishis (6). Once on a time Bhumi's son Naraka, the king of Prāgyotish, went to a place called Kasheru. There assuming the form of an elephant he, by force, ravished Twastha's daughter the beautiful Chaturdashi. And shorn of fear or sorrow he foolishly said:— "From this very day, the Rākshasas, Daityas and Dānavas will bring for me all the jems the gods and men possess, all that the entire earth contains and all that lie in the ocean." Saying this Bhumi's son began to pilfer diverse riches and clothes. But he did not enjoy them (7–11). The powerful Naraka carried all the maidens of the gods, Gandharvas, men and the seven divisions of the Apsaras (12). Thus sixteen thousand and one hundred chaste maidens, wearing a single braid of hairs, were brought (13). The powerful Bhouma made a house for them on the mount Mani in Alakā near the territory of the Daitya Maru (14). There the ten daughters of Maru, those maidens and the other leading Rākshasas used to carry out his command and adore him, the king of Pragyotish. O king, the great Asura Naraka, who had obtained a boon, lived on the bank of the blue ocean (15). Even all the Asuras, collected together, could not perform before the dreadful feat which this great demon did (16). O Janamejaya, for ear-rings the great demon Naraka, whom the goddess earth gave birth to and whose capital was Prāgyotish, oppressed even Aditi (17). He had four gate-keepers, dreadful in battle, namely Hayagriva, Nisunda, Panchanada and the great Asura Muru with his thousand sons, proud of his boon. Those warders, terrors to those who perform pious deeds, used to occupy even the aethireal way along with the Rākshasas in battle (18–19).

For his destruction, Vasudeva, of the Vishni race, begat the might-armed Janārddana, holding conch, discus, club and sword, on Devaki. After holding consultation with one another the celestials selected the city of Dwārakā for the residence of the great Purusha Mādhava, of well-known prowess on earth (20–21). Encircled by the great ocean and beautified with five hills, that city of Dwārakā excelled that of Indra even in beauty (22). The great assembly-hall in that city, resembling that of gods, which extended over a yojana and had huge golden door-ways, was celebrated by the name of Dāshārha; and the leading members of the Vrishni and Andhaka races, headed by Rāma and Krishna, used to carry on their daily transactions there (23–24).

O foremost of Bharatas, once on a time while the Yādavas sat in that hall there blew the wind carrying celestial fragrance and there was a downpour of flowers (25). In a moment a great noise, covered with a net of lustre, was heard in the sky. Within that effulgence, Vāsava was seen, seated on a white elephant and encircled by the gods (26–27). Rāma, Krishna and the king Ugrasena, with other leading Yādavas went out and welcomed the king of gods (28). Afterwards coming down speedily from that elephant chief the king of gods embraced Janārddana, Baladeva, the king Ahuka and then the other Yādavas, in order of age and rank. And then adored by Rāma and Krishna he entered into that magnificent assembly-hall. Seated there and adoring it the king of gods duly accepted arghya and other articles of hospitality (29–31).

Then touching the auspicious countenance of his younger brother (Krishna) with his hand the highly powerful Vāsudava addressed to him the following consoling words (32). "O Devaki's son, O slayer of Madhu and of thy enemies, hear for what I have come to thee (33). Elated with the boon conferred on him by Brahmā the great Asura Naraka has foolishly stolen the ear-rings of Aditi (34). He always acts against the gods and Brāhmanas and is on the look out for your loopholes. Do thou therefore kill that sinful wretch (35). This Vinatā's son Guruda, highly powerful, capable of ranging anywhere and of assuming any strength and always moving in the sky, will take thee there (36). O Upendra, Bhumi's son, Naraka, is unslayable by all creatures. Do thou soon kill that sinful one and come back (37)."

Thus addressed by the king of gods, the mighty-armed and lotus-eyed Keshava promised to kill Naraka (38). Then taking up his conch, discus, club and sword, he, along with Satyabhāmā, sat on Garuda's back and immediately started with Sakra (39). Before the very eyes of the leading Yadus, Keshava, assisted by the powerful Garuda, crossed the seven regions of the wind-gods and rose high up (40). Then on account of the distance the king of gods, seated on the elephant chief and Janārddana, seated on Garuda, appeared like the sun and the moon (41). Thereupon the Gandharvas and Apsaras chanting their glories in the sky they gradually disappeared (42). Then advising as to what he should do Vāsava, the king of gods, repaired to his own abode and Krishna went to the city of Prāgyotish (43). At that time struck by the flapping of Garuda's wings the wind blew in a contrary direction and the sky rangers were assailed by clouds of dreadful sound (44). By the help of that sky-ranging bird Mādhava, in no time, reached his wished-for quarter, and seeing the gate-keepers from distance he went where they were (45). Arriving at the gate of the mount Mani he saw there elephants, horses, car-warriors and six-thousand nooses sharp like razors (46).

Vaishampāyana said:—Then beholding the beautiful, four-armed Krishna, holding conch, discus, club and sword, wearing a garland of wild flowers round his neck, bearing the moon-like mystic mark Srivatsa on his breast, with his head illumined with a crown effulgent like the sun or moon accompanied by a lightning, looking like a blue ocean, and clad in a yellow raiment, and hearing the dreadful twang of of his bow resembling the fall of a thunder-bolt the Dānavas could understand that Vishnu himself had come (47-49). Taking up his Sakti, adorned with diamond and gold, the great Asura Muru, resembling Death himself, ran toward him and hurled that huge weapon at him. Beholding that Sakti, like unto a burning fire-brand about to fall Vasudeva took up gold feathered arrows. When the powerful Vāsudeva discharged that arrow burning like a lightning it cut that Sakti into twain. When that Sakti was sundered Muru, having his eyes reddened in anger, took up a huge club and discharged it as the king of gods hurls his thunder-bolt. Having drawn his crescent-shaped weapon to his ears Keshava, the foremost of gods, cut off with it, in the middle the golden club. And with a Bhalla he cut off the Dānava’s head (50-55).

Having thus slain Muru with his friends and cut off his nooses the Lord, Devaki's son, killed the highly powerful Rākshasa soldiers of Naraka. And crossing the mountain he saw the Dānava host consisting of Nisunda, Diti's son Hayagriva and the other heroes capable of fighting in many ways. Thereupon speedily getting upon his chariot and putting on a strong celestial golden armour, the highly powerful Nisunda, with his arms, obstructed Keshava's path. Thereupon he pierced the slayer of Keshi and Madhu with ten arrows who in return wounded him with seventy winged shafts and cut off the Dānāvā's arrow in the sky before they could approach him. Then his army completely surrounded Keshava. Although covered with the net-work of this arrows Janārddana, the foremost of gods, was highly enraged at seeing those Dānavas and withstood the Dāvnava army with a downpour of cloudy weapons and other arrows (56-63). Thereupon assailing all of them with five arrows each he pierced them to the very vitals with cloudy weapons. Filled with fear the Dānava army fled away from the battle-field. Beholding his army thus flying away he again came to the battle (64–65). And making a downpour of arrows he covered Keshava. Neither the sun, the sky nor the ten quarters were visible (66). Thereupon taking up a divine weapon, by name Sāvitra, Hari, the foremost of Purushas, cut off his arrows in the battle-field. Cutting off the arrows of the Dānavas with his own the highly powerful Krishna sundered his umbrella with one arrow and the pole of his car with three. And again destroying his four horses with four arrows he killed his charioteer with five and cut off his standard with one. Afterwards with a highly sharpened and whetted Bhalla, Krishna, the foremost of gods, cut off Nisunda's head who, alone, in the days of yore, had fought with the gods for a thousand years (67–71).

Beholding Nisunda thus slain the foremost of Asuras, Hayagriva, effulgent like a mountain, took up a huge rock and vauntingly hurled it with great force. Thereupon taking up his celestial cloudy weapon and discharging it Vishnu, the foremost of those conversant with the use of weapons, sundered the rock into seven and the stones fell down on earth. O foremost of Bharatas, with huge arrows of diverse colors discharged off the Sranga bow there set in a dreadful battle, abounding in various weapons like that between the gods and demons. Thus seated on Garuda the mighty-armed Janārddana began to destroy the demons; what more, all the Dānavas, who approached Nārāyana, were wounded with the huge ploughshare and killed with arrows and swords. Some, consumed by the fire of the discus, fell down from the sky, and some, coming near, gave up their ghost with grim-visaged countenance. And although mutilated with the arrows of Krishna, some Asuras, capable of fighting in many ways, began to make a downpour of arrows like unto clouds discharging their watery contents. Their persons were besmeared with blood like blossoming Kisgsuka trees and they, with their weapons broken and filled with fright, took to their heels (72–80). Thereupon with his eyes red hot in anger the Dānava Hayagriva again, with velocity of the wind, drew a tree ten fathoms high (81). Uprooting speedily that tree, the cloud-colored Hayagriva ran and hurled it with such a force by virtue of his training, that the huge sound, caused by the tree passing through air, was heard by every body. With a thousand arrows, Janārddana speedily and wonderfully cut that tree into many pieces and with one shaft struck Hayagriva on the breast. That arrow, burning like fire, with great force entered into the breast of the Dānava and came out piercing his very vitals (82–85). The dreadful Janārddana, of unlimited prowess, the enhancer of the delight of the Yādavas, killed that highly powerful and irrepressible Hayagriva who alone formerly fought with the gods for one thousand years. Having thus slain the grim-visaged and the iniquitous Hayagriva in the province of Lohitanga in a city encircled by walls and killed eight hundred thousand Dānavas Devaki's son, the Lord, the foremost of Pursushas and the slayer of his enemie's, set out for the city of Pragyotish (86–87).

Having entered the shining city of Prāgyotish, the highly powerful Keshava, after many encounters, killed Naraka's follower, the great Asura Panchajana, and blew his conch Pānchjanya. That blare, grave as the muttering of clouds and that of the whirlpool, was heard every where all over the three worlds. Hearing that sound the eyes of the heroic Naraka were reddened with anger. And getting upon his celestial car he shone like the evening sun. It had eight iron wheels, was colored in gold and red paints, had spacious seats, had golden flags and pennons with golden standards. It had a pole set with diamonds and pearls, was drawn by a thousand horses, was covered with an iron net work, was filled with various weapons and made of gold. At that time Naraka’s face looked effulgent like a fire-brand. And he appeared highly beautiful with his white, and moon-like breast plate. On his head shone a crown of sun-like lustre and his ears were shining with a pair of Kundalas (88–96). Putting on diverse sorts of armours, the tawny-coloured, grim-visaged and huge-bodied Daity as Dānavas, and Rākshasas issued out; of them some had swords and shields, some had arrows and quivers, some had Saktis and some had lances. Those well-armed heroes, expert in fighting, rode elephants and horses and issued out of the city shaking the earth. Encircled by Daityas Naraka, like unto Death him self, while proceeding, heard on all sides the sound of thousands of bugles, conchs, Mridangas and trumpets resembling the muttering of clouds (97-100).

Those grim-visaged heroes unitedly went, where Krishna was waiting and began to fight with him. Those soldiers covered Vāsudeva with a down-pour of arrows (101-102). Discharging thousands of Saktis, maces, lances and arrows they covered the welkin (103). Moving his Srānga bow, the twang whereof was like the muttering of a cloud, hither and thither, Janārddana, looking like a dark-blue cloud, began to make a down-pour of arrows on the Dānavas. And with it their highly powerful soldiers were greatly assailed. Thus there took place a dreadful encounter between him and the fierce-looking Rakshasas; and wounded by Krishna's arrows the Dānavas were routed (104-106). Some of the Dānavas had their arms broken and some were wounded on the head and neck; some were cut in twain by the discus and some were wounded on the breast with arrows (107). Of the car-warriors, elephant-riders and cavalry some were cut into two pieces and some were wounded with arrows and lances (108). Thus the entire army, consisting of elephants, horses, and cars, was completely crushed down. There took place a highly dreadful encounter in that battle between him and Naraka (109). Listen to it, I shall describe it briefly. The energetic Naraka, the terror of gods, fought with the foremost of Purushas, Madhusudana, like Madhu himself. When in that battle, the heroic Naraka, like unto Death himself, took up with reddened eyes, a huge bow resembling that of Sakra, Keshava, taking up an arrow like the fierce ray of the sun, filled his car with celestial weapons. Thereupon when taking up a huge weapon the powerful Naraka was about to withstand the great and war-like slayer of Madhu Janārddana, having a countenance effulgent like lightning, he cut off that weapon with his discus and sent his charioteer to the abode of Death with one arrow. Then destroying the car with horses and standards with ten arrows the slayer of Madhu cut his coat of mail with one arrow. Thereupon having his horses slain, and stripped of his coat of mail like a serpent shorn of its skin, the heroic Dānava Naraka, all on a sudden, took up a strong iron dart effulgent like a lightning and sent it down whirling. Seeing that dart covered with gold, about to fall down, Krishna, of wonderful deeds, cut it off into two pieces with his razor-shaped weapon. Thus there went on a dreadful encounter with that highly powerful and grim-visaged Rākshasa Naraka, abounding in most excellent weapons. Fighting with Naraka for a moment the dreadful Janārddana cut him into two pieces with his effulgent discus. His body, sundered into twain with the discus, fell on earth like a mountain summit clapped by a thunder-bolt. It appeared that the sun was enshrouded by Krishna-like black clouds (110—122). Naraka's head, cut off by the discus, appeared on the battle-field like unto a mountain of minerals clapped by a thunderbolt (123). Beholding his son slain, Bhumi came with the pair of Kundalas to Govinda and said "O Govinda, thou dost sport as a boy plays with his toys. Thou hast with thy own hand killed him whom thou didst give. O Lord, however, do thou accept these Kundalas for which thou hast slain Naraka, and protect his children (124-126)".


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