Monday 31 August 2020




Govinda Pattabhishekam

Janamejaya said:—O lord, having slain the highly powerful Kansa irrepressible unto the gods Krishna did not sit on the throne. Then he waited for the maiden and was not welcomed there. Why did he show forgiveness although thus insulted (1-2). Vinatā’s son was highly powerful. Why did he too show forgiveness? O Brahman, I am greatly stricken with curiosity to listen to all this. Do thou describe it at length (3).

Vaishampāyana said:—When with Vinatā's son the eternal Vāsudeva arrived at the city of Vidarbha Kaishika thought thus about him in his mind:—(4). "Forsooth shall our sins be destroyed if we behold the wonderful Abhisheka of Krishna (5). And from Krishna who has seen the true essence of things our mind will also be purified. Besides there is no other worthier person in the three worlds than the lotus-eyed Janārddana, Krishna, the king of gods. O kings, what hospitality can we offer to him obtaining such a person? However virtue will not be spoiled?" Thus thinking the two brothers Kratha and Kaishika desired to go to Keshava in order to confer upon him their kingdom. Approaching that god and bending low their heads unto him, the two heroic and noble kings of Vidarbha, said: "Blessed is our birth and fame to-day; blessed are our ancestral manes since thou hast come to our house. (6-10). We ourselves, our umbrellas, flag-staffs, throne, army and our flourishing city belong to thee (11). O thou of large arms, formerly thou wert annointed by Indra as Upendra. We now install thee in in our kingdom (12). The innumerable kings and even the Emperor Jarāsandha will not be able to undo what both of us will do (13). The highly effulgent king Jarāsandha, who offers shelter to other kings, is thy enemy. And he always mentions in a conversation 'Devaki's son has not been installed on a throne and he has no city. How will he sit in the same assembly with the kings (14–15)? The highly effulgent and powerful Krishna too is very proud. He will therefore never come to this Swayamvara for the maiden (16). When all the kings will sit on their respective seats, how will that highly effulgent one sit on a lower seat (17)?' Hearing this discussion amongst the kings and in order to put a stop to the dissension the king Bhishmaka, after consulting with us, has got ready this most excellent resting house for the thee. O thou of great effulgence, thou art the prime deity amongst the gods and art the lord of all the worlds. Do thou behave now as the Emperor in this land of mortals. O lord, may not difficulties about seats arise in the assembly of kings (18–20). Having performed today the ceremony of royal unction according to rites laid down in scriptures, do thou, next morning, seated at ease on an auspicious throne, in the city of Vidarbha, be installed as the Emperor of the kings assembled at the behest of Indra (21–22)."

Having said this to that foremost of celestials and bowing unto him with folded-hands those two heroes sent an emissary to the kings (23). As Vāsava, the holder of thunderbolt, announced through the celestial emissary so Kaishika announced this intelligence to the assembled kings (24).

Kaishika said:—O ye kings, you all know that the eternal Hari has arrived at the city of Vidarbha, along with Vinata's son, as our guest (25). Beholding the worthiest person, to whom a gift could be made, present my eldest brother Kratha, with a view to acquire piety, has conferred upon Vasudeva his kingdom (26). When my brother said "Sit on this seat" an invisible speech was uttered by a sky-ranger (27).

The celestial emissary said:—"O king, thou shouldst not offer to Vāsudeva the seat on which thou didst sit. For him the king of gods has sent this white seat of gold, constructed by the celestial Architect, crested with all sorts of jems and marked with an emblem of a lion (28–29). Do thou along with other kings place him on this seat and sprinkle him (30). He, who amongst the kings assembled in this city of Kundina for the maiden will not come, will be slain by the king of gods (31). The eight jars, born of the portions of Nidhis made of celestial gold and jewels and containing celestial ornaments belonging to the high-souled lord of riches, will come amongst those kings for installing this Emperor (32–33). O king, this order of the lord of gods is communicated to thee. Do thou invite all the kings with a letter and perform the royal unction of Keshava (34)."

Kaishika continued:—"O kings, saying this from the welkin and giving to Krishna, the seat, effulgent like the rising sun the celestial emissary returns to the city of gods (35). I therefore speak to the assembled kings, that they should all behold Janārddana of a wonderful form rare in the land of mortals whom the king of gods has recognised as dreadful and greatly irrepressible and whom he will sprinkle from the welkin with jars (36–37). If we behold the wonderful ceremony, the bathing of Vishnu, the God of gods, surely our sins will be dissipated (38). Come, O ye leading kings, you need not fear, for you I have made peace with Janārddana (39). I have known truly that Krishna's mind is pure. He will never make enmity with lords of men (40). Besides he cherishes no enmity towards the king of Magadha at heart. You should therefore consult and do whatever is proper in this matter (41)".

Vaishampāyana said:—O king, hearing the words of Kaishika, while the kings were thinking in fear of a curse, they heard again that an invisible voice, grave like the muttering of a cloud, filling up the sky with its sound, said at the mandate of the king of gods (42-43).

Chitrangada said:—"O ye kings, Sakra, the king of the three worlds, for your well-being and for governing the subjects has issued this mandate (44). O kings, you should not live creating enmity with Krishna. Pleasing him do you all live in your respective kingdoms (45). Krishna removes the calamity of his votaries, and is like the fire of dissolution unto his enemies. Therefore creating friendship with him be you all happy and freed of anxiety (46). A king is the lord of men; the celestials are the lords of kings; Indra is the lord of celestials and Janārddana is the lord of Indra (47). The powerful Lord Vishnu, the God of gods, is born as a man in the land of men under the name of Krishna (48). He alone, in the worlds, is not to be slain by the gods, Dānavas, men and even by Mahadeva, the holder of trident along with Kumāra[1] (49). What to speak of others, I myself along with the celestials wish to perform the Abhisheka ceremony of the high-souled Keshava, the king of gods (50). Besides, the gods have no hand in the Abhisheka ceremony of an Emperor; the kings are entitled to it. I cannot perform the royal unction of Keshava, adored of all the worlds (51): O ye kings, do you repair to the city of Vidarbha, and holding a consultation with Kratha and Kaishika perform the ceremony as laid down in Scriptures (52). O kings, thinking that the time for making peace and friendship has arrived, Vāsava has sent me to you. I am the celestial emissary (53). To-day the kings Kratha and Kaishika have invited Krishna to the city of Vidarbha for performing the ceremony of his royal unction. United with them, do ye, O kings, perform the Abhisheka ceremony of Krishna. And then taking gifts do you, with delighted hearts, return to the Swayamvara (54–55). Let the four leading kings Jarāsandha, Sunitha, the mighty car-warrior, Rukshivān and Shālwa, the king of Soubha, wait here so that the sporting-ground may not remain vacant (56)".

[1] The son of Mahādeva, Kārtikeya, the commander-in-chief of the gods, who led the life of a bachelor.

Vaishampayana said:—Listening to the command of the king of gods announced by Chitrāngada all the kings desired to go there. And the intelligent king Jarasandha too accorded his permission. And they set out encircled by their own armies and headed by Bhishmaka (57–58). Surrounded by his own followers, and with his heart burning in anxiety, the mighty-armed king Bhishmaka, along with other kings, went to where the large-armed Krishna was living in the house of Kaishika. They saw from distance the brilliance of the picturesque assembly-hall of the celestials that had been brought there for Krishna's Abhisheka, and which was decorated with flags, pennons and garlands, set with celestial gems; adorned with celestial garlands, streamers and ornaments, perfumed with celestial fragrance and encircled by celestial conveyances. There, the Apsarās, Vidyādharas, Gandharvas, Munis and Kinnaras, stationed in the welkin, were singing the accomplishments of Krishna, the lord of celestials. And the great saints and Siddhas were eulogising him. And celestial trumpets were beaten of themselves in the sky (59–65). And the immortals, stationed in the sky, showered profusely scented powders made of roots, barks, flowers and fruits of Mandāra, Pārijāta, Santānaka, Kalpa and Harichandana trees (66). Seated on his own vehicle, the Lord of Sachi himself came there with the gods and showed himself in the sky (67). Stationed in their respective quarters, the Eight Regents began to sing, dance and eulogise (Krishna's) glories on all sides (68). Hearing that tumultuous sound and having their eyes expanded in surprise, the kings entered into the assembly-hall (69). The large-armed and powerful king Kaishika came out and received them duly (70). When the arrival of the kings was announced to the beautiful Hari, the foremost of the celestials, he issued out with the performance of all benedictory rites (71). Thereupon from the sky, celestial jars, with pieces of cloth tied round their necks and covered with mango leaves, began to pour down, like clouds, water mixed with gold, gems, flowers and scented powders on the occasion of the ceremony of his royal unction (72–73). Having performed duly according to rites, the Abhisheka ceremony of Janārddana, before the very presence of the kings, the king of gods adorned him with celestial ornaments (74). Having welcomed duly all the kings with celestial garments of various colors, garlands and unguents, Mādhava too sat in the auspicious assembly-hall of the celestials for the purpose of bathing. The kings of the Yadu and Vidarbha races began to adore him (75-76). The powerful son of Vinatā, capable of assuming forms at will, sat on a seat on the right hand side of Keshava (77). As desired by Vasudeva himself the high-souled and heroic kings, Kratha and Kaishika, sat on their respective seats on his left hand side (78). The highly powerful and heroic car-warriors headed by Sātyaki of the Vrishni and Andhaka races sat on his left hand side (79). As the gods beautify the Lord of Sachi-so those leading kings beautified the beautiful Krishna seated at ease on a celestial seat covered with a celestial coverlet and effulgent like the sun (80). Afterwards having been introduced to him by the ministers, various other kings were duly received by Keshava and they too sat at ease on their respective thrones. Thereupon having shown him proper respect, the highly wise king Kaishika, the foremost of speakers and well-read in all Shāstras, said:—

"O lord, considering thee a human being, these ignorant kings have committed offence by thee. Do thou therefore forgive them, O God."

Krishna said:—"O Kaishika, what of kings observant of Kshatriyas' duties, even if any one else proves inimical to me it does not find room in my heart even for a single day. O kings, how can I be offended with them who have to turn their faces against impiety and to fight virtuously? What is past is gone. Those who are dead have gone to the celestial region. Birth and death are natural with men. Do not grieve, O kings, for them who are dead. I wish that you may all forgive me and cast off your enmity (81-87)".

Vaishampāyana said:—Having consoled the kings with these words, the highly effulgent Madhusudana looked at Kaishika and desisted (88). In the meantime, showing proper respect to all, Bhishmaka, the foremost of speakers, and of those well read in Polity, said (89).


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