Thursday 9 July 2020




Kuvalayadipa and Lord Krishna

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Upon the following day the amphitheatre was filled by the citizens anxious to behold the great game (1). The place of assembly was supported by octagonal painted pillars, fitted up with terraces, doors and bolts, with windows circular or crescent, shaped and accommodated with seats with cushions; and it shone like the ocean whilst large clouds hang upon it, with spacious substantial pavillions fitted up for the sight of the combat; open to the front but screened with beautiful and fine curtains, crowned with festoons of flowers and glistening with radiance, like autumnal clouds. The pavillions of the different companies and corporations, vast as mountains, were decorated with banners, bearing upon them the implements and emblems of the several crafts. The chambers of the inhabitants of the inner apartments shone near at hand, bright with gold and painting and net-work of gems; they were richly decorated with precious stones, were enclosed below with costly hangings and ornamented above with spires and banners and looked like mountains spreading their rays in the sky; while the rays of light reflected from the valuable jewels were blended with the waving of white chowries and the musical tinkling of female ornaments. The separate pavilions of the courtezans were graced by lovely women attired in the most splendid dresses and emulated the radiance of the cars of the gods. In the place of assembly there were excellent seats, couches made of gold and hangings of various colours, intermixed with bunches of flowers; and there were golden vases of water and handsome places for refreshment, filled with fruits of various kinds and cooling juices, sherbets fit for drinking. And there were many other stages and platforms constructed of strong timber; and hangings by hundreds and thousands were displayed; and upon the top of the houses, chambers, fitted up with delicate jealousies through which the women might behold the sports, appeared like swans flying through the air. In front stood the pavilion of Kansha surpassing all the rest in splendour looking like mount Meru in radiance; its sides, its columns being covered with furnished gold; fastened with coloured cords and every way worthy the presence of a king (2-15).

Having ordered 'Let the elephant Kuvalayapida wait at the gate' the king Kansa entered the arena abounding in men hailing from various countries, echoing with their noise, shaking and radiant like a huge ocean (16-17). With two white chowries on his two sides, with two pieces of white raiment on his body and a white turban on his head he shone like the moon of white rays on the white summit of the white mountain (18). When that intelligent king was seated at ease on his throne, the citizens, beholding his matchless beauty, exclaimed shouts of victory (19).

Thereupon entering the area, the powerful wrestlers, with loose garments, took ground on three sides (20). Afterwards accompanied by the sound of trumpets and the slapping of the arms the two sons of Vasudeva, with delighted minds, arrived at the gate of the arena (21). As soon as they entered there quickly those two sons of Vasudeva, of beautiful faces, were obstructed by that mad elephant moving hither and thither (22). Driven again and again that wicked elephant, folding up its trunk, attempted to destroy Rāma and Krishna (23). Thereupon terrorized by the elephant, Krishna, smiling and speaking ill of the intention of the wicked-minded Kansa, said: "While Kansa is desirous of killing me through this elephant forsooth he is eager to repair to the abode of Yama" (24–25).

Thereupon when that elephant, roaring like a cloud, neared him, the powerful Govinda, leaping up, slapped his arms (26). Roaring like a lion and slapping his arms, he, stationed before the elephant, took its trunk covered with water, on his breast (27). Sometimes he went between his two tusks and again between his two legs and thus agitated him as does wind the ocean (28). Then coming out of the top of his trunk and tusks and of his legs Vasudeva drew his tail and put it into the ground (29). Thereat that huge-bodied best of elephants became bewildered and could not slay Krishna. And with his body, as if grinded, he began to roar there (30). Then touching the earth with his two knees and assailing the surface the earth with his tusks he began to discharge must [1] in anger like a cloud in the rains (31). Thus sporting with that elephant under the pretext of a childish freak Krishna, in order to kill Kansa, desired to destroy him soon (32). Thereupon placing his foot on his lower lip he, with his two hands, uprooted his tusks and struck him therewith (33). Assailed with the strokes of his own thunder-like tusks the elephant passed urine and excreta with a great sound (34). Profuse blood came out of the temples of that elephant whose limbs were mutilated by Krishna and whose mind was stricken with sorrow (35). As Vinata's son (Garuda) draws a serpent lying with its half on the face of a mountain so the holder of plough-share (Baladeva) began to drag him with force by the tail (36). Thus striking the elephant with the tusks, Krishna, with one stroke, hurt the elephant-driver by name Ulvana (37). Then setting up a terribly plaintive roar, that huge elephant, with his tusks broken, fell down along with Mahāmātra like fire thrown down by thunder bolt (38). Thereupon taking up a Tomara and other weapons those two foremost of men, Rāma and Krishna, dreadful in battle, destroyed the guards protecting the rear of the elephant (39). Having slain them when those two Mādhavas, adorned with wild garlands, entered the arena all the Vrishnis, Andhakas and Bhojas took them for two Ashvinis coming down, of their own accord, from the celestial region. With their leonine roars, shouts of joy, slapping of arms and striking of palms they pleased all the people there (40-41). O descendant of Bharata, beholding them and the attachment and joy of the citizens the vain Kansa was filled with sorrow (42). Having thus slain the roaring elephant the lotus-eyed Krishna, along with his elder brother, arrived at the ocean-like arena (43).

• It is a Persian word for Mada which means a juice that exudes from the temples of a rutting elephant..


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