Friday 3 July 2020





VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Thereupon when, the sun, with weakened rays, set, when in the evening crimson sky, the disc of the moon became tawny coloured, when the birds entered into their nests, when the fire was enkindled by the sacrificers, when the quarters were enshrouded a little with darkness, when in that delightful night of the spring, Sukas, Valakas and other birds fell asleep in the village of the milkmen, when the night-rangers, fond of meat, became delighted, when the delightful night of Indra Gopas, when the study of the Vedas is stopped, set in, when the hour for boiling milk-a necessary adjunct of an Agnihotra ceremony for the householders, appeared, when the hermits began to offer oblations to fire, when the cows came back, and having their calves bound (to stakes) at the time of yielding milk began to bellow, when the milk-men, with long ropes for binding cows, and setting up a noise, began to call their kine, by names and collect them, when fire was set to dried cow-dung by Gopas returned from the forest and having their shoulders bent down by the weight of woods, when after the termination of the day and with the beginning of night the moon rose and shone, when with the disappearance of the rays of the sun the day passed away and with the shining rays of the moon the night set in, when the sky grew effulgent like burning fire, Akrura, as if along with birds about to enter into their nests, arrived at Vraja in his car, with a view of communicating happy news of union with friends. Having entered there that giver of gifts frequently enquired after Keshava, Rohini's son and Nanda Gopa (1-14).

Thereupon coming down from the chariot that highly powerful and liberal prince, resembling a Vasu, entered Nanda's house (15). As soon as he entered the gate with his face full of joy and eyes full of tears he saw Krishna stationed at the milking-place in the midst of calves like a bull. Greatly delighted at seeing Krishna, the pious Akrura with heavy accents, said "come to me, O Keshava." And beholding Vasudeva, at the junction of boyhood and youth who lay on a fig-leaf at the time of the universal dissolution, and who assumed the form of a dwarf at the time of imposing on Bali, served by the prosperity of the three worlds, he praised him again and again and said within himself: - "This is the lotus-eyed Krishna of the size of a huge mountain, resembling an ocean overflowed with water and endued with the prowess of a lion and tiger. Irrepressible in battle he has the mystic mark of Srivatsa on his breast and his well-adorned arms are like a ground where the enemies are being killed (16-20). He is the incarnation of Vishnu under the guise of a milk-man who is the first worshipful of the universe and whose form is Upanishad. His hairs have stood erect (on seeing a votary) (21). His head, resembling an umbrella, is worthy of a crown, his ears of two most excellent Kundalas and his spacious breast of a neck-chain. And his two plump and long arms have increased his beauty (22-23). Clad in a yellow raiment, his body, looked after by a thousand of women can even cut Madana (Cupid) to the quick. He is the eternal Vishnu (24). The lord, whose two feet are the refuge of the earth and which covered the three worlds, has himself descended on earth (25). His beautiful right hand is fit for holding the discus and his left hand is, as if, willing to hold a club (26). With his first foot[1] he has descended on earth. And that foremost of the celestials is shining on earth (27).

[1] In his true Brahma form devoid of all qualities. The four feet are Viswa, Taijasa, Prajna and Turya.

The Brāhmanas, conversant with the knowledge of future, have said that the Lord Gopala will multiply the almost extinct Yadu race (28). As the torrents fill up the great ocean, so hundreds and thousands of Yadavas by his power will fill up their respective families (29). When the commander of the enemies will be slain the entire, eternal and prosperous universe will abide by his commands, as in the golden age (30). While on earth he will subjugate the entire world; and though not a king he will rule over all the crowned heads (31). As in the days of yore, vanquishing Bali with his three foot-steps he installed Purandara as the king of gods in the celestial region, so subjugating the three worlds with his two feet he will forsooth now install Ugrasena as the Lord Paramount (32-33). While Keshava, the Creator of ocean-like hostilities, who is well-versed in many lores regarding the kings, the Ancient Purusha, whom the Brāhmanas have hymned in the Vedas, has become desirous of living like a man, forsooth he will be an object of imitation to all the worlds (34-35). To-day with mantras I shall duly adore in my mind the divinity and the person of Vishnu (36). The Maharshis, endued with spiritual knowledge, know him as superhuman. That he has appeared amongst men and has become one of our kinsmen is undoubtedly superhuman (37). However holding a consultation with Krishna in the night, I shall, if he likes, take him and the Gopas to Mathurā'' (38).

Beholding Krishna and thus recapitulating within himself thoughts pregnant with reasoning and high significance he entered into the court of Nanda Gopa (39)..


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