Tuesday 30 June 2020




Zoroaster and king vishtaspa

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Beholding Vasudeva thus insulted and covering their ears with their hands the leading Yādavas took him for one having his lease of life run out (1). Resorting to patience, although his mind was worked up with anxiety Andhaka, the foremost of speakers, addressed, mildly in the midst of that assembly, powerful words to Kansa (2) "O my son, it is unworthy of you to give vent to such words. To use such words to relatives is considered unbecoming and culpable by the pious (3). O hero, if you consider yourself as one, not born in the family of the Yādavas listen to what I say. The Yādavas do not by force wish to regard you as one of them (4). Rather a person like you becoming their master they have become censurable to all. What more, it appears, that the king Asamanja, of the ikshāku race, has returned in your person (5). O my son, you may wear matted locks, may have your head shaved, may take any appellation, Bhoja, Yādava or Kansa, your head will remain in its natural shape (6). Cursed is that Ugrasena who has begotten a son like you, a wretch and curse of our family (7). O my son, the wise never make themselves a parade of their own accomplishments. The qualities, recognized by the Vedas, attain to fructification when spoken of by others (8). A stupid boy, the destroyer of his race like you, becoming our king the family of Yadus has become degraded among the royal families of the world (9). The vilifications, that you have given vent to, considering them as proper, have not been able to accomplish your object rather you have laid bare your character before the public (by it) (10). Will you consider the insulting of a highly worshipful innocent preceptor, like the destruction of a Brahmana, as conducive to well-being (11)? O my son, the aged ought to be adored and worshipped like fire [1] for their anger can consume even the regions acquired by Yoga (12). Self-controlled and learned men, of advanced intellect, should enquire into the conduct of the people as they watch the movements of fish in water (13). Like an oblation not consecrated by mantras you always pain the fire-like aged people with heart-rending words (14). You are remonstrating with Vasudeva for his son. We speak ill of your these useless and abominable words (15). 

[1] Fire was an object of worship with the ancient Aryans. It was compulsory for three higher castes to preserve consecrated fire in their house. It was kept perpetually and handed down from one generation to another. From the Vedic writings it appears that the ancient Aryans used to worship are as a sacred element. This fire-worship still prevails amongst the followers of Zoroaster. This fact goes to prove that the Parsis and the Hindus are of the same stock

If a son becomes wicked the father is not so, rather he falls into many difficulties on account of his son (16). You might think that Vasudeva did not do his duty by hiding his own baby son, But ask your own father about it (17). Chiding Vasudeva and speaking ill of the Yadu race you have acquired poison consequent upon the enmity of the Yadavas (18). If Vasudeva has acted unfairly by doing this for his son why did not Ugrasena kill you in your infancy (19)? Persons, conversant with moral laws, have given the name of Putra [2] to a son because he saves the departed ancestors from falling into the hell of Put (20). From the very beginning of their birth you have been cherishing enmity towards the youthful Sankarshana and Krishna although born in the race of the Yadavas and they too consider you as their enemy (21). On account of your chiding Vasudeva and exciting the anger of Vasudeva the hearts of all the Yadavas are trembling (22).

[2] Putra is derived from Put the name of a hell and the root tra to save from the hell Put.

On account of your thus remonstrating with Vasudeva Krishna has become your enemy and therefore these evil omens are declaring your future fear (23). Evil dreams in the end of night and dreadful portends like the vision of of serpents are all declaring that this city will soon be a widow [3] (24). Behold in the sky the dreadful planet Rahu, by his own effulgence, is possessing the star Swati [4] and is waiting in your tenth star Chitra [5]. The dreadful planet Mangala [6] is united with them in its oblique course (25). By its dreadful effulgence Budha [7] has covered the western sky in the evening. And going beyond its course Sukra is ranging in the sky (26). Separated by the tail of Ketu [8] Bharani [9] and other twelve planets are following the moon (27). Encircled by a disc the dawn with its effulgence is obstructing the sun and the birds and animals are going in contrary directions with cries (28)

[3] The master of the city will soon die.

[4] The star Arcturus or fifteenth lunar asterism consisting of but one star, mythologically it is one of the wives of the sun.

[5] A star in the virgin's spike. Swati is the star under whose influence Kansa was born. Chitra was then in the tenth place. Rahu was inimical there. From this, it is evident that all his attempts will prove futile and he will meet with death. 

[6] The planet Mars.

[7] The planet Mercury. This portends that his administration will come to an end.

[8] The dragon's tail or descending node, in astronomy the ninth of the planets. The rising of a comet is an evil omen.

[9] The name of the sacred lunar asterism containing three stars.

Crying continually and emitting ember-like breaths the dreadful jackals are coming out of the cremation-grounds and going towards the city both in the morning and evening (29). Fire-brands are falling on earth with a terrible sound and the earth and mountain summits are shaking all on a sudden (30). The sun being possessed by Rahu the day is appearing like a night and all the quarters are filled with portentous smoke and thunder-bolts (31). The thick clouds, accompanied by lightnings, are pouring down blood-the gods are being shaken off their stations and the birds are leaving their resting trees (32). What more, all the evil omens, described by the astrologers as indicating the future death of a king, have set in (33). You are always harmful towards your relatives, backward in observing your royal duties and wrathful for nothing. Therefore your death is imminent (34). When you have out of your foolishness insulted the aged and god-like Vasudeva resembling a Vasu, there is no peace for you (35). You are an enemy of our race. From to-day we drive away the love that we had for you. After this we shall not adore you even for a moment (36). That giver, of gifts among us, is blessed who will behold the lotus-eyed Krishna of unwearied actions (now) ranging in the forest (37). For you this Yadu race is uprooted. Krishna will again unite his own kinsmen (38). Your sense has been entirely destroyed by Destiny. Speak whatever you like. Vasudeva will forgive you for all (39). O Kansa, I think it proper now that aided by Vasudeva, you should go to Krishna and ingratiate yourself to his good graces" (40).

Source: https://archive.org/details/AProseEnglishTranslationOfHarivamsh

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