Tuesday 19 May 2020




Yajna avatar of Lord Vishnu

JANAMEJAYA said: - O Brahman, after repairing with the water-born Brahmā to his own region what did the god of gods Vaikuntha do (1) ? After the completion of the massacre of the Daityas why did the water-born deity take away Vishnu, who had been honored by the gods, to his own region (2)? What sort of Yoga does the Lord Brahmā, the Creator of creatures, practise and what sort of regulations does be observe? And what sort of regions is that of Brahma (3)? How does this great universe attain to the prosperity adored by the gods and Asuras when he does not remain there (4) How does he lie down for rest at the end of the summer and awake with the approach of the rains? How does he, living in the Brahmā region, carry on the work of the world (5)? O foremost of Brāhmanas, I wish to hear truly of the celestial conduct of this Lord in the land of gods (6).

VAISHAMPAYANA said: - Hear now at length of the deeds of Nārāyana before you listen to how he sported with Brahmā after repairing to his region (7). His course is very subtle according to his desire which even the gods cannot know. Hear, O king, what I shall relate (8). This Lord Nārāyana is identical with the three worlds and the three worlds too are also permeated by him. He is identical with the gods in heaven and they too are identical with him (9). Many persons, desirous of going to the other end of the world, cannot see his end. This Mādhava is the end of all (10). Hear of an account of his deeds in the Brahmaloka in the days of yore whose true form is hidden by the senses as if with darkness and whom the gods seek (11).

Repairing to the region of Brahmā and beholding the dignity of the Grand-Father Vishnu honored all the Rishis with works sanctioned by the Vedas (12). Having performed the rites of the first part of the day the highly energetic Vishnu came to the fire where oblations were being offered in the morning by the great Rishis (13). He saw his own body most excellently placed in the midst of the sacrifice, worshipped with oblations by the great Rishis and eating his own share of the sacrificial offerings (14). Having saluted the worshipful Rishis of Brahma energy Nārāyana, who is beyond the comprehension of thought, began to range in the eternal Brahma region (15). Walking there in the sacrifice he saw hundreds of sacrificial posts adorned with the tops of Chashālas [1] and marked by the Brāhmana saints (16). Smelling the smoke of oblations, hearing the sound of the chanting of the Vedas by the twice-born ones, and beholding his own self worshipped in the shape of a sacrifice he began to range there (17). Taking the sacred grass and Arghya [2] in their hands the courtier deities and the Rishis said to him (18) "Whatever power exists in the gods it emanates from Nārāyana and whatever is undertaken by the deities that also proceed from Madhusudana (19). That eternal Vishnu is the region of Soma and fire about which the people hear from learned men (20). As curd is produced from milk and clarified butter from curd so when the body and senses are agitated by virtue of meditation the world originates from Janārddana (21). As the great soul is comprehended by the senses and the five great elements so Hari is comprehended by the gods, the Vedas and all the worlds (22). As in this world of men the relation between the five elements and senses is perceived so the strength and prosperity of the gods in the celestial region originate from Vishnu (23). This independent and highly sacred Nārāyana, who is the thread of the worlds and who confers fruits of sacrifices on those who perform them, is worshipped with Mantras like Mantra itself (24)."

[1] A wooden ring on the top of a sacrificial post.

[2] Water to wash feet.

THE RISHIS said: - O foremost of the celestials, O thou of great effulgence, O lotus-navelled deity, hast thou come with ease? Do thou accept this sacrificial offering offered according to the Mantras (25). Thou art the sacred vessel of this water sanctified in the sacrifice. Thou wert always known as the guest mentioned in the Mantras and hast now become visible (26). O Nārāyana, after thy departure to the battle-field, our works were not undertaken, for a sacrifice, without Vishnu, is never sanctioned (27). To-day we will acquire the fruit of the sacrifice celebrated with presents. Thou art beholding thyself worshipped by us all (28).

Saying "so be it" the Lord, in return, worshipped the Brāhmanas. The Grand-father Brahmā, who was in his region, was delighted thereat (29).

Source: https://archive.org/details/AProseEnglishTranslationOfHarivamsh

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