Wednesday 7 July 2021




Brahmas Hall

Janamejaya said:—O foremost of the twice-born and Munis, vanquished by the Daityas what did the gods do? And how did they regain their heavenly kingdom (1)?

Vaishampāyana said:—Hearing of a celestial voice the beautiful king of gods, along with the celestials, repaired to the most excellent palace of Aditi situate in the east (2). Having arrived there Purandara related to Aditi every word about the celestial message (3).

Aditi said:—O my child, yourself and all the immortals cannot slay Virochana’s son Bali. Only the thousand-headed Purusha is capable of slaying him and none else. However I will ask your father the truthfnl Kashyapa about the destruction of the great Daitya Bali (4–6).

Thereupon the Suras with Aditi approached Kashyapa. There they saw the great ascetic, the first preceptor of the Devas, like unto the sun of mitigated lustre through water, fair and effulgent like a burning flame. Having left aside his staff and thrown an antelope skin on his person he was practising penances. His body was covered with bark and antelope skin. He was burning in Brahma energy like fire incarnate when inflamed with incantations. The lord Maricha, the father of Suras and Asuras, was the foremost of Brahmavādins and effulgent like the sun. He was the creator of all and the most excellent master of the patriarchs. He was born as the third patriarch in the person of his grand-son. As the mind-begotten sons of Brahmā speak to him, so those leading and heroic Devas along with Aditi bowed unto Kashyapa and with folded hands communicated to him the celestial message imparted through an invisible agency as also that Bali, the foremost of Daityas, was unconquerable by the immortals. Hearing the words of his sons Kashyapa desired to repair to the region of Brahmā. Kashyapa said:—"O sinless one, we will repair to Brahmā's abode filled with the sound of the recitation of the Vedas. There you are to communicate truly what you had heard unto Brahmā" (7-16).

Vaishampāyana said:—Thereupon the Devas with Aditi followed Kashyapa to Brahmā's palace filled with celestial saints. In highly costly and charming conveyances coursing at all the Devas, in a moment, reached Brahmā's region. Desirous of beholding the immortal Brahmā a mass of asceticism they repaired to his extensive court. Seeing the Hall where sweet Saman verses were being sung they were highly pleased. They heard the Rik mantras chanted by great ascetics of pious rites, well read in the Vedas and their auxilliaries. With the recitation of Vedic verses the Hall resounded. Having arrived there and heard the recitation of the Vedas the Suras considered their own persons purified. With their mental faculties concentrated, resorting to silence and fixing their minds on Brahmā, they, filled with surprise, looked at one another (17-27).

Placing Kashyapa before them the Suras again in their mind saluted the Omnipotent Preceptor of the world. Again was heard the sweet and grave recitation of the Vedas by the Devas well-read in various Scriptures. Kashyapa's sons saw there leading Brāhmanas ever observant of vows and regulations and fond of recitations and Homa. Carrying on the work of creation through celestial Māyā, Brahmā, the grand-father of the world and the preceptor of Suras and Asuras was seated in that Hall. There Daksha and other Patriarchs, Prachetā, Pulaha, the foremost of the twice-born Marichi, Bhrigu, Atri, Vasishtha, Goutama, and Nārada, were worshipping him. Learning, mind, sky, fire, water, earth, sound, touch, form, taste, smell, these objects of sense, the principle of greatness, the four Vedas, religious rites, sacrifices, determination, vital breath and every other thing was present before the Self-sprung Deity. Profit, religious merit, object of desire, envy and joy were before him. Shukra, Vrihaspati, Samvartta, Buddha, Shani, Rāhu, all the planets, Maruts, Vishwakarma, the stars, the sun and the moon were adoring Brahmā. The sacred verse Savitri, the seven forms of speech, the Srutis, Gāthās, Laws, Commentaries, Kshana, Lava, Muhurtta, day, night, month six seasons, year, four yugas, evening, the wheel of time and many others were present before the Self-sprung Deity. With the pious Devas Kashyapa entered into that celestial Hall affording all objects of desire. Beholding the Great Creator the Eternal Brahmā, burning in his own beauty, freed from exhaustion and served by the Brahma saints the Devas bowed unto him. Having touched the feet of Paramesthin with their crown they were freed from sins and became of quiescent souls. Seeing Kashyapa present there with the Devas the highly effulgent Brahmā said (28–47).


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